Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary


  • Hạnh phúc

    Người thực hiện một từ hạnh phúc? Không có nhận thấy thời gian, từ đó có thể được thực hiện với bất cứ ai là tâm nhất thiết phải như vậy. Nhưng có từ... 続きをみる

  • L-hena

    Min għamel il-kelma hena? Fl-ebda nnotat il-perjodu, il-kelma setgħu ġew magħmula biex xi ħadd tal-moħħ sabiex neċessarjament. Iżda hemm mill-bidu ki... 続きをみる

  • Երջանկություն

    Ով է եկել "երջանկություն" բառը: - օգտակար տեղեկություններ բոլորի համար Անհիշելի ժամանակներում այս բառը կարող է այնքան պարտադիր լինել, որ ինչ-որ մեկի ... 続きをみる

  • Felicidade

    Quem fez uma palavra de felicidade? Em nenhum período notado, a palavra poderia ter sido feita para a mente de qualquer um tão necessariamente. Mas l... 続きをみる

  • Bonheur

    Qui a fait un mot bonheur? En aucune période remarquée, le mot aurait pu être fait à l'esprit de n'importe qui si nécessairement. Mais là depuis le d... 続きをみる

  • Sleeper's Morning in Walking with Ideas

    Sleepers' shelter is, for anyone, probably the work, no matter what kind of it could be given to anyone's brain and mind. E. g., at my home vicinity,... 続きをみる

  • Another Promised Land

    At anciemt era, old ones told their descendents that the ones who loved so much, bu their destiny never to have union in life together must meet agai... 続きをみる

  • To Poets! Part1

    When you create your poetry, picture any reader's appearance when the one rdads your poetry. And all you can is cheering you who are troubled at what... 続きをみる

  • No Matter How seemed Risky, Once You've Set You to do, it'd be Trustworthy

    If you once made up your mind to do what you believe and believe in, do not hesitate it, for doing by yourself. In fact, carnally, many unnecessary h... 続きをみる

  • No Matter How seemed Risky, Once You've Set You to do, it'd be Trustworthy

    If you once made up your mind to do what you believe and believe in, do not hesitate it, for doing by yourself. In fact, carnally, many unnecessary h... 続きをみる

    nice! 1
  • Life in Change

    Memorable thing in content, trend, or so could change, because we are consistently in change, and that change's tendency by itself is switchable. To ... 続きをみる

  • Each Space's Desire, leaving us to Memorize it

    True straight line as concept probably is what only human has, e. g. space by itself has probably no concept of line, point or so. Otherwise, the rea... 続きをみる

    nice! 1