Blog for Nameless-Value

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Nobody can Manage the World

Nobody can manage the wotld.
Because anybody can never manage the one's beloved one, coz the one who loves beloved one can know that loving is never equal to managing beloved one.

The one who can love beloved one truly can manage other one's trust, but even it must have limitation.
Then, eventually nobody can never manage the world, coz anybody can know that nobody can manage beloved one's mind. Even if first the one has no idea around it, later the one must be awaked to it.
Then, whoever powerful the one is, the one could never manage the world, and that thing has been evidenced in all our history.

We could never be Lord, as long as we are alive, nor even after we are dead,

Only that so simple law manage the world. Thus, if the one can know it very earlier in the one's life, that one must have become the one to whom anybody except the one can trust.

Politics' principle, or policy's orthodoxy, if the sort of things could be present to us, that must be managed by somewhat nature gifted to all of us in all creature. And accidentally only we could have language, words, and songs and dancing.

In conclusion, even if we all are gifted so unique capability, either we all are obliged to be managed by natural law, namely that thing must be Lord's oracle.

Even great powered ones must have so miserable last moment, (Whales of ecosystem's ocean niche top in food chain would be bait or feed after they die for numerously infinite numbers of species in ocean.) of course nobody might have had so happy ending, that could be said so, either, but the great political ones's last was generally so pitiless, it is proved in human history, anyway, though we often can never know its very necessary thing, if we personally have so strong energy, thus if someone can know own powerlessness, when the one can have maximal power, that one could be a little bit wiser than commonplace powered ones.

That difference makes so bigger  social reputation, of course even that thing could be so small.
After all, we could know whoever we are, conclusively, and ultimately, we all are only small mass in infinite world, and we all are managed by the same power as somewhat and each culture has each interpretation around that power and its difference could be met at each religious difference.

Then, if we personally get that idea, we can know that having hatred, anger, conspiracy, and discrimination or all things like them must be so small, and shameful.

Then, let's spell!
Our world must be our seeing and knowing it and it must be small and nobody must be privileged to have a view only God can have.
(May. 22nd.  2020)