Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Night is Friend to Invisible One

In corona virus crisis, anybody could be carefully in alert not to be infectious, then anybody could be conscious not to be outstanding in securing mode to each oneself, then when I use a train to return to my home, to some degree, dense car with mask, only dark view at night, that blackened darkness must become own friend, because only night must never be outstanding as natural as us, necessarily we either in invisibly acting and moving from a place to another.

Night, only you are silent and must never tell anybody anything, that would be so elegant, actually today's daytime was after so long time, so comfortably sunny and with proper bleeze, touched to my skin so easily and pleasantly.

Very empty road only was needed to me for walking and that was done so well, but after taking so long distance walking made my body refreshed, in lack of body training with bad weather in many days. 

Though, night cooler pleasant air condition and silence is so nice friend, unless our own body is in so bad condition, only night must never discriminate anyone, because frequently human's prejudice and bullying, and discrimination are apt to be made at daytime, however, only night could never do so not as extreme as daytime. 

Night in having no distinction to anything must wrap all only in perfectly darkness, then we essentially learn from night so many things, because for anybody, night must provide us the chance to consider many things so personally, and nobody tries to condemn anyone at least at nighttime.

Because, only night must never make nobody outstanding, only it makes everyone invisible, that would be so tremendously remarkable, comparatively daytime, coz daytime must promote us move and act, that symmetrical combination must secure us very many things and insightful meaning.

Night, you are universally blunt but very even and fair friend to all ones, because only you make everyone so invidible, then we should thank night than we'd done ever. 

Night, thank you very much for giving either to me a so nice chance to review everything even with what we could never be noticed at daytime, you must give us the chance to think all so minutely.

History must be made at night, so essentially and substentially. 

(Sep. 28thm 2020)