Blog for Nameless-Value

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Not so Cold Autumn, but Cloudy days

Summer had so many hot temparature days so long period, that state made us hesitant to go out from residence, buildings, that summer was over, but this time not so obviously cold but not sunny days linger, that ambiguous continuation either at another reason makes us hesitant to go out from indoors. 

This long durable unstable weather gives us anxiety which we should choose going out or not doing so in wander.

But that strange seasonal turn associates our each distinct memory's content, with weather urging us whether we should go out from our staying home or not and how our guy's demanding woman's descision which the one should choose acceptance or rejection.

By the way, we guys usually have a knowlege that rejected by a woman in experience could not do us so serious problem, but on the contrary, accepted by her could do so many things in regardless which the one and us are continuously jointed or not.

After all and by and large, temparature, weather, and woman mind or her life choice are strangely very alalogous especially toward our as guys' personal circumstance, around keeping company with a woman, or occasionally plural women.

That association and reminiscence to our own memory of past fact makes us laugh, setting us laughing sarcastically. Because generally to guys in fact, woman thing is not the partner or object as dialogue or debate, even the one in question would be the job partner at work or mission working fellow.

Woman mind for us and their general descision making must be made of very another reason to ours as guys' it.
Hence, woman mind and temparature and climate condition each year has so distinctively and uniquely are very similar together, mutually.

We usually are hesitant even if we feel appropriate temparature and humidity or either we feel appropriate weather, additionally if we feel anxious about climate change into downpour or we have anxiety to feel unpleasnt skin and whole body tabgiblity around temparature and humidity.

All those things are all so as similar as woman mind's capricious overturn, around that thing, each woman's personal character and uniqueness are not so seriously impacting our mind as guys' true emotion.

Therefore, not so cold but cloudy days at daytime for us as guys in fall as seasonal character would be so nasty choice to handle for mood or feeling at going out from our own home, especially at these staying home days for human being.
(Oct. 5th. 2020)