Blog for Nameless-Value

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Mind Sees World in Perceiving on Meaning with Constructive Understanding and Words Concept Part1

Words tell us that these reflect our mind's need, wish and sense in understanding that our perceptive organs systematize for knowing our own acting.
Meaning must be given to us in assorted objects, with knowing how we can move from one place to another, how we can regard all happenings and settings we really approach or contanct, staying at or so.

Our words grasping process must be accompanied with growing process, in understanding dangerous zone we usually should evade or stay away from, and knowing to be trustworthy for our own survival.

Perception must be sustained with memorized notion through words or any trained, learnt things. Thus when we meet somebody ever we met once, we can remember the one so easily and when we come across unexpected situation with natural disastor or so, we can remember so many items, learnt knowledge around that occurence.

Notion has both emprically leant it and deductively learnt it, former is perceptively learnt with really experiencng in watching, listening, touching, contacting, or any doing. Latter is told, read, learnt by older ones, written sentences in books, and told by teachers or so in school. 

However, human relation, social conventional items and knowledge must be gotten at another phase, former mentioned very fundamentl and basic concepts and knowlegeable items, matters and very afterward learnt those are very mentally distanced.
Both of them are positioned at very serious gap. That things' grasping process is made of own failure, error, and setback at human relation, social activity driving many unpredictable meetings and encounters.

Hence, our cognitive ideas, and viewpoint toward all items are everyday updated, rewitten in concept, summary, and recognition. Then after all, our mind must be seen or regarded as sponging very many things, and meaning them at properly readied mindset. 
That thing could be evidenced at what we have known all truths we'd have learnt must be grasped so well at seing gap we'd told as concept or words definition, because truly that explanation could be understood on our own mind must be when we personally have a feeling that told matter and experienced in feeling really situated, conditioned at particularly connected or involved with for us.

Then we can judge that when we in mind have a question around correctness toward written and learnt things at school must be the starting to understand written at texts used at school or so in the process of studying and learning for us.

Gap felt to us conceptual instruction and really witnessing and pulling through of us in life's really comcerned scenes must be a entrance to make our human's each individually distinctive background around having an own method to see the world and our personal life.
If we go upstream of our life starting around mind holdng and making personal mind, we must have subjective intended motivated descision and switching the former ideas before that experiencing things coming, with these factual things, we take piling them all up in life which makes us own idea around that matter.

Subjective view, idea must be made of these try and error, not to be told by some other experienced ones, that thing in our life as important perticipation in social things, we must learn and understand all words meaning and that words indicating thing must be a clue or a trigger to think it so deliberately by oirselves privately, with these tries and errors we gradually get the method and skill to get everything started of having no preparation we dare to take time, and instantly reacting could be acqured afterward.

However, after we'd held their all processes once so completely, this time, we rather can discover all words meaning and told main concept, and these meanings, understanding and knowing them all so well.
(to be continued)

(Oct. 9th. 2020)

Note; Concrete experiencing and understanding explained things must be practicing, practical training for us at really ongoing life. At some extent we bodily, heartfully and mindfully, mobilizing all acquired and obtained wisdom at urgently neccessary moment, so personally.