Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Intermission Poetry series the fifth / Don’t Make Yourself Eaten by Your Past!

For anyone, what can never be forgotten must be present.
However, no one can return to the own past.
Only it must be the absolute law in universe. 1
Forget all of your past, coz you could never change it.
Past always bursts into your mind.
Shadow of your past must invite your unconscious devil on you.
Forget your past even what you want nothing to forget.
Sometimes throw even your most precious memory out of trash can!
Put them all to nothing!
You! Just don’t make yourself eaten by your past!
Even every beautiful memory of you may have been an illusion.
So, people write poems only for forgetting all to be written, with writing each moment’s matter.
Each moment has each signification.
Thus, each moment must never be capable to impose nor compel any other moment to be changed by other moment’s own circumstance.
Unity to personality must be a thing, people expediently had set for blocking any dissociation caused from each moment’s independence. 2
Each moment’s independence seduces us to have some idea which makes us think that we could return to the past.
But, it’s absolute illusion.
Then, we must believe in our own capability and hidden things to be released.
In other words, if we persist only in the past glory, it means that we don’t believe our true capability nor potentiality.
Thus, any convention, habitual idea, or accustomed everything should be revised in a way of regarding them all as ones to be differentiated truly rudimentary essentiality.
In this trial, fist, we can say we are all so great capability and infinite potentiality.
Believe in only your true potentiality and capacity!
Don’t be deluded by anything making you astray to the past illusion.
Only what you believe in your feasible everything is the genuine value for you!
You are the absolute fair chooser, just only at the moment you can believe only in your possibility as the absolute for now you.
Its possibility must be found only by your believing only in future and absolute possibility along each moment’s particular capacity and potentiality only it has, all you have to do is just only it.
You are always universally possibility as the one direction time traveler.
(titled at Dec. 11, until 1 written at 14, until 2 written at 11, after all sentences, written at 14. 2018)

(upped at Dec. 15. 2018 at examplewordpresscom1616)