Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Landscape set with Mind, Space, Person, People1 Individual Right Reserved Society must make it with Suppressed Individual Part1

Rejection by somebody tells rejected one wisdom he or she should take from that time to be rejected on.
Experiencing other one’s refusal to own demand makes refused one so wise to deal with from that suffering moment on.

Dissipation from the diverged ideas makes us think only advanced step for us as each private conversion as own decision would be precious, if we make reminiscence to ever, it’ll create nothing, we could be known to it so well.

Eventually systematic contemporary rationalized society would have destined to make itself go along with the city civilization only in convenience.

After all, city life habit for all of us must be settled to so formal, official, so seen normally conventional only for each own characterized unemotional behaving custom to any citizen.

At this settled state, every passer-by necessarily becomes so indifferent to each individual, to each any other one for each one, with passers-by except each oneself.

Thus, in the city spaces with square, non-characterized robot tasted behavior walkers are filled with the city space.
Just coz of it, if we meet somebody so emotionally weeping, or crying so loudly in public spaces filled with so many people going around the one, unless that one is never so dangerous to the ones around the one as him or her, that one’s so frankly honest emotional behavior and its expressing way around private emotion would be so freshened in remarkably onlooked for that impression, probably by so many one going around there.

Namely, city habitants are all so suppressed to a duty never to show true mind to anyone except each one, as myself would be hidden in that ambient spatial publicity conscious act so privately, so pretending to be so publicly.

That stoic behavior is composed with social conventional manners habitants only so surely know its reason implicitly to show any other strangers so explicitly performing unemotional citizen robot, as any society implicitly demands any individual citizen with blind obsession, at the matter of fact, only stably silent unemotional manner in invisible personal behavior must be needed to anybody in the city space.

Thus, anybody practices the stoic manner in the public space, keeping up with never showing any subjective manner.

Just coz of it, that crying stranger’s presence in public city space with square or so, that behaving evokes all ones walking down the street in the city field, our commonly lost emotion.
That must be so savagely honest never pretending behavior.

At this stage, stranger person’s behavior stimulates so many passers-by around him or her, to the bottom of their minds so immediately, then our mind looking aspect would claim to each private memory, where have our country held that kind of mind space permitting that kind of emotional expression so publicly? And where have gone our generous love mind to the next one in the city? Our heart cries to each oneself never saying to anybody around us.

And after all, we ask ourselves so privately, if we are only in a country without honest love shout, not only its choice but also, we even just go out from that spot.

But, it’s so pitiless and so uninteresting judgement.
So we would be never be patient to any situation only official and formal pretending manner with all of us, just forever, perhaps, thus we will soon be awaken to that absence of any emotional honest or so kind of generosity.

We must never be so endurable to stay in only love hiding formal uniformed society, nor so kind of love completely hidden city space.

Thus, weeping person at the corner of the square in the city’s center with so many people come and go would be the one whom we can be in a feeling with empathy or sympathy even if anybody does never try to talk that one, so at the bottom of their minds.

If you met that one, you might say to the one,
“What makes you so sad, what makes you now cry?”
And after checking that one’s responding, and no reply, you might say to that one,
“If you don’t mind, confess just some minimal things for making you composed now, say something on your mind, even one word is okay to me, if you remake yourself so well again.”
And you might tell your address with male or direct letter to that one.
(to be continued)

(July. 1st. 2019)