Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Being, Time, Memory, Nothing Part1

〇Being could never composed nor set or impossibly present if time must be none, coz of it, as long as time is present never being vanished, being never be vanished.
Because, the matter only time was present but being itself as the matter would be none must be so contradictory to be evidenced to us, it seems to be an absolute truth, I can think.

〇World as allegorically we can define can be evidenced only with time going with passing date and never stopping its fundamental shifting, if any time shifting with any change was none, we could never discover any possibility to evidence the world is present with a way to be being, in other words, world as being’s appearance must be accompanied with time shifting and any change along it, if these all are none, at that kind of world we could never evidence the world is present, thus, being as world’s appearance must need time and change and moving along it as absolute condition.

〇Parmenidēs defined that being is anytime vanished and anytime reborn as another phase, but its indication must mean that only time and change plus moving along time is indespensable to evidence being itself as world’s appearnce.
Thus, we rather should take this world with the absolute truth that being should be meant only by what being itself must never cease unless time was vanished, to this absolute rule, he must express along his words sensation, we should take his effort so, unless we do so, we must be fall into whirlpool of contradictory unsoluveness.
(to be continued)

(July. 16th. 2019)