Blog for Nameless-Value

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What is Freedom? Part2 / Vehicle and Arms ①

What here I debate is never philosophical problem, rather real life’s problem as habitual freedom is more serious than philosophical propositional freedom.

All philosophical problem must be needed ultimately at so difficulty confronting situation, thus we should usually as much as possible keep on our mind never to make us in difficulty, just coz of it, we use so convenient tools and machines in our daily life, and its reality’s problematic thing is more crucial than logically important problems for example when we think of metaphysic things, rather our thinking experimental themes are always outputting from real life’s our inevitable condition and situation.

In those things, vehicle using life with a train or airplane when we make transit for business or trip as sightseeing at off time as locomotion must have been created with the reality to protect the group as community, society, and nation when we refer to our own history with the data of human war, every convenient tools and conventional ceremonial custom as the center of our cultural character must be the one which we human-being must have stepped along with domain enlargement or colonial imperialism as capitalism principle following for make our life so richer than the past it of us, then trains and ships, airplanes are all that object’s byproduct and politically winning trophy with wars and inventions for getting victory, all sign languages are so, typically and now our superexcellent convenience was procreated with these our historical devise inventing and using accumulation.

Bus, train, airplane are all so sharing machine for us as being together with any other strangers and unknown other persons, then its use is rationally set to society’s whole move with economically and politically as diplomatic agreement, thus rather contemporary society’s our use of private car is completely different from these whole move of the society and national profitable index as GDP or so.

In other words, all using to cars and any other vehicles are belonging to the private life’s convenience as byproduct of capitalistic economically activities as a right to enjoy our own life, in exchange for contributing the society with doing jobs and getting salary and depositing money in bank and we usually purchase it and use it.
And car locomotion means the privacy keeping and shielding any other outside reality to inside of the car, then its thing is so similar to masking our face to hide our personal identification to the other people, it means pretending the anonymous one in all spaces of the society, then for meeting its acts, we need economically smart dealing knowledge and ability to get so stably and so enough reward to maintain these convenient life of us, that is the freedom of real life in society and citizen right, then Freedom Respecting nation’s top leaders claim that small island segregated to main continental land’s presiding with so many people’s participating demonstrations and their local police’s taking action and cracking down to so many violently urged acting demonstrators around the prohibition to mask at any individual demonstrating participants in the city corners, then top leaders of Freedom Respecting nation’s criticism to the authority of presiding the small island and their originally homeland’s main continental governmental suppression to them, but either the economics invoked by the Freedom Respecting nation’s circumstance and now situation must tell them and us that its relevance to continental mainland’s gigantic population’s planning economy’s presence so closely and mutually they must never be able to segregated and other all nations with citizens are all individually knowing and grasping this decisive realty whole over the world.

Human’s historical decisive fact that all convenient tools as arms and vehicles have been consistently the objected to make military strategical technology progressed and hegemonial race around the power getting as suzerain nations and colonies as imperialistic economics’ tactics and transactional trade and negotiation.

In other words, our daily privacy and freedom to never be intervened by any other citizens or nation or government must have outputted by the victory of the war and using all convenient arms to destruct the enemy nation’s cities so rationally in short moment, radioactivity and nuclear arms are all outputted with its object then our private citizenship and right to enjoy private life means the byproduct of victory of wars meant in military power and rationally smart strategy and economical war’s victory with smart reciprocity.

In other words, our all military objected invention has made us in using so many convenient devices and machines, with smartphone, car, and shielded private life in locomotion with a car and living life with own residence.

All military invented arms and progress for intelligence gathering and strategically done all sign language’s using must have progressed our society’s convenient infra-structural reality and real life’s condition.

But fundamentally our gifted so superexcellent convenience must have fulfilled with human-being need for moving and necessity to change the location for surviving. Cars using privacy and smartphone using life’s original must be none but there.

In conclusion, at physically bound condition neve to fly to the skies so individually as condition for us, its premise has made us invent the airplane transportation with so many sacrifices to experiment and make adventures in past.

Arm’s development and vehicle’s it are constantly synchronically running in our society, with all wireless correspondence and intelligence concerned communication in all companies and military organizations, namely in the dangerous case to be besieged or surrounded by enemy, we need escape from that desperately last-ditch situation, its absolute need has made us to develop any military optional invention and progress the transportation system’s development, it is so decisive fact and with its premise, all our life amenity and convenience must have founded as base of the society.

Hence, our each individually privacy keeping right and freedom of speech or demonstrating or so, frequently turned to powered struggle must be caused from our battle instinct and our loyalty to the community, group, organization, country, nation or so.
These at a stretch seen contradictory reals are all relevant to mutually associated with each other, duty and right, loyalty and right to claim our own privacy.
And our essentially sadistic instinct to attack the unknown group, never belonging organization are all so easily neglected in race’s necessity and claiming right to be kept in privacy and freedom to choose everything in consumptive daily life and tax paying or costing are all so entangled together in no segregated synthesized reality.
Fight and attack, with plundering and protecting own safeguard are never be able to segmented and our private Eros and usually spending common sense of our society and its moral acts are either complexed together, and our evil-minded sneaky character and cruelness makes our self-controlling reason and moral and morale to keep up with humanity spiritually and mentally, in other words genuinely independent affection, sympathy or so sort of kindness means so powerless, coz with steady wise wisdom to evade all risks and responsibility to get our beloved family in secured condition needed to have own self defensive knowledge and strategy, we could keep our true love in life and happiness together with beloved own family.
Evil-minded acting provoking capability makes our citizenship accompanied kindness, dignity and affectionate pity, generosity, and all humane character and philanthropic acts to all the others.
(to be continued)

(Oct. 20-26th. 2019)