Blog for Nameless-Value

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Aware of Already Overturned in Acceptance

All starts at least for genius ones had been denying myself. But learning it in hearing and reading anybody must mimic it, in early life of us.
Denying is questioning all given premise in no careful attention just told and taught, thus denying must be the start to have own idea, with it we’ve learnt all ethical propositional ideas in mind so subjectively.

Affirming something so surely confident must start after having denying, coz all of our hope or expectation and truly meant developing must be in consistently discord, any sort of sequel must be positioned with its discord, gap between hope, wish and irresistible developing, just we try to be satisfied or accept all results.

Hence all of superior ones in using their brain as much as possible so hard, eventually gave up own desire, but simultaneously they knew that their own intended intelligent detachment either was artificial, coz only denying experience must have nurtured many actually feasible trial deserving matters in knowledge, in no experiencing any denial in accepting reality resulted after trial with wishing and hoping, setback accompanied resulted reality must teach gap and truly meant hope and wish in hard gap.

In conclusion, never having denial must bring about no progressed state mind in just receiving all things coming from externally in world, with effort or sort of hard struggle, we can get truly meant feasible values and estimation to reality.

Otherwise, that failing ones in first attempt must meet and encounter the lesson, with that even if they in no vanity nor attachment to particular things in mind try to leave everything as it to be going by each itself, anything must overturn their prospect, in other words, fundamentally we must never control other things so completely as long as they are all never each myself, that is absolute truth in world and with the sort of experience the one could know its truth so deep inside of the one’s mind.

So tough resulted lesson with some of them coming to us as sequel afterward we made efforts must tell us that occasionally any sort of effort must never work so well, then some of unexpected resulted outcome makes us make up our minds never design nor architect anything from the beginning as the starting time.

Ultimately, overwhelmingly deep thinking reaches nothing, things we could imagine previously would never be seen anything. In other words, regarding what we can understand or make sure of somewhat we could find we can see so before our starting to try, even what we could find so correct must result any hopeful matter infeasibly done outcome, eventually around its sequel we are obliged to judge that even making an effort to do something and making nothing of anything must be the same in no gap nor no discernment.
Both leaving everything in making nothing and making an effort to doing something could bring about the same sequel, that case must exist.

Emptiness nor vacancy even must be nothing at the moment to know all things infeasible. Very obvious result must make us have nothing to be disappointed just only doing us the real thing’s absolute never changeable intrinsically indwelling character in awareness from our misunderstanding.

Regardless to it, designing or not, world itself must be composed of these modus ponens, regarding them as Lord’s allocation but simultaneously Lord’s allocation in world to anything and its absence are in no distinguishing, eventually we are obliged to admit all choices are just arbitrary regardless to its outcome.

World really realizes all these various fruited groups.
Eventually, denying all causes and results accepting all these are the same meant mind, we all had been obliged to admit it truly, so potentially, latently in deep inside of our mind, of course it is different from setback.

Of course, they are all never nihilism, just only our mind’s incompleteness.
Just only our mind is consistently perfectly never perfect nor complete, just only premature and incomplete, just only its truth must be left to us and our mind.

But if we put our own progeny’s prosperity before everything else, we should abandon our own happiness in a trial to leave our children to distanced located place, and never spoiling nor indulging them, moreover its reason is caused from our measure never to gather one location in survival, coz all risks of natural or artificial disaster in preventing, but ordinarily, normally ( but by the way, what is normal? ) surviving habitants as citizens have never endured all kinds of these strategical way for surviving.

In conclusion, nobody must never win time itself and Lord’s offering infinite propagating fruitage’s aspect of our offspring, and its semantics. Namely all our expectable mind must be oppressed with just only rational idea, unavoidably, in addition to it, we can never imagine in terms of our offspring’s minds coz their common sense must be so distanced to our own it, in hard gap of ages.
Though we are apt to think it as close to us, that is irresistible force as our absolute condition never to know other person’s mind as if it is our own it, and this phenomenal factual truth is what we are think our descendants’ minds as so similar to us.

In fact, the incidents took place in several days with airplane crash by the country’s military order, at confidential zone in the earth, and afterward of it, outcome of generalissimo election done in one island’s country are never irrelevant mutually, essentially all things are in relevant things in world although we all are unknown to its true mechanism.

But these so relative impacts to each other in centrifugal power never so centripetal powered mutually, thereby its mechanism is so wonderfully enigmatic to us, so well.
Because just our surviving world must be filled with our own awareness of already overturned in acceptance coz our consciousness is always managed by past memory in our mind, and we have mind habit to see any outputted result would have been according to our expectation coz we constantly have expecting to all things ongoing in this world.

Unexpected emotion in seeing all out of the blue means our bind to mind according to our past memory, but consistently time must go onto only future and it is completely shaded to us.

Our expectation is anytime so optimistic and simultaneously opportune, but moreover either never former neither later. Namely our expectation and impression to the result must be segregated mutually truly only it is our absolute truth, although we are apt to forget it so easily.

All these settled to same whereabout with our own nihilistic view must be each distinct, however, for Lord, all these distinctions must never be essentially the same nor the distinctive, coz these reading must be particular for only us.

However, intrinsically for Lord, all these our estimations are equal to nothing and our understanding distinctions must mean nothing meant to Him, all these things must be the same and different and never the same and never different, in meant absolute nothing, hence we must be spontaneous and subjective responsibly to deal with everything in carnal world only for us.

Emptiness is even only for us, never for the Lord, nothing must be meant meaningless to only the Lord.

In our world, nobody can predict own future, even if that one has strictly stiff creed to anything or will to the one’s future, e.g. even the one who has made up the one’s mind to survive only for beloved ones, that mind object might have never be done making the oneself sacrificed for just crossing stranger by the oneself, when that stranger is endangered by something threatening that one accidentally and the one tries to rescue the stranger and making his body shield to the incidental offending one’s arm and making his life expire, that case is occasionally due to happen to anybody.

Human must have even irrational acting in emergency, that tendency is never creative idea concocted in deep inside of our mind, it’s so impulsive.
Otherwise, human has reaction according to be in poverty in spending much money in no stock to the one’s future, a little richer one than the first exampled one is apt to keep their money so stingily stocked for the future.

So that, every sequel anytime must have betrayed our expectation overturned in our irresistible acceptance to real situated condition.
World political things, economically bound trend to us in everything, every unexpected incident is all in its time’s unpredictable running with each accidental development to us.
Or to say, we unconsciously use the time running with any changing ourselves in having nothing but it, thus all are never responsible to any occurrence.
All occurring is just occurring, the ones who love cause and result is only us as particular favor holders.

Note; All what I mentioned as examples are unknown in ongoing to own future, thus we have no choice but watching and witnessing only with news reported matters. But gradually all things' impact would appear in front of all people in the world another day. 
(Jan. 11th. 15th. 2020)