Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Social Game’s Truth Part1

I love all the other ones, coz I thank them all very much, as a citizen in society.
That’s necessary mind.

But simultaneously I hate them all, coz I can never love them all as if I love me.
That is view if we regard our communication as so falsehood, and try to understand and see all things occurs in society as metaphysical view, namely former paragraph’s content is just for carnally surviving ones with common sense, and it is never lie, my honest opinion, but if I take myself so philosophical, actually that saying is either never false, it’s truth.

I either am very small one in world.
I’m never Lord.

Although, I as another me loves all other ones with me, coz I am one of them, and I owe everything to society, even if I feel so spiritual gap between my idea and social idea, that thing must never be switched.

Human mind is contradictory, we always are managed by ambivalent emotion and idea.
In other words, we always are conflicting internally in mind between own idea of individual one and society’s forcing common sense or so.
All what confess is caused from our known absolute truth that all we as creature must die.
With its truth, all of us is contradictory according to our idea, we could never solve this contradiction.

Thus, our ancestors created religion. It was very wonderful jump.
At a rate, all of us are survived and sustained with this absolute historical fact.
Being itself must never be analyzed by any superior theory. Coz we all are destined to be born though we all die another day.
Coz we all have other ones as the third persons, we can have myself as the first person, as social rule in using our own language, and both things we can have in mind if we are consciously never taught by parents or school teaches, we naturally had learnt it with own understanding.

First we have society and with survival in family we have learnt language communication and gradually contacted to other persons with strangers when we walk around the city or so.
But when we talk to particular individual never in group, we regard the one to communicate with as the second person, so naturally and necessarily, that thing was naturally learnt in surviving daily life in family, usually.

That second person in our mind view is so particular and distinctive to other person with the first and third, coz it is never the situation to be set in group with witch any sort of class and hierarchy must exist, namely we have first private communication in the situation no matter what kind of situation if that is situated in a group, even family member, or friends’ circle or so, although what we want to have the relation mutually only second person would be composed, we must need individual understanding in group’s order with regulation and presiding rule or so.

And third person must be set only after we have privately close relationship with individual favor or individual object to do everything in company or so.
In other words, if we can have consciousness around the third person to be indicated with our own intention, first we must set the condition to have each second person in communication.

That is our class member in school with the second person or parsons in another class and afterward, in work as company or so.
Second person is the beginning of all understandings around externally existing groups or individual one, namely we first understand it as the second person so notionally and conceptually, afterward we’ve known to internal members in a group e. g. first usually a family we’d raised and nurtured knowledge about society or so with parents and brothers and sisters.

In understanding all mental mechanism, we first get to learn third person in usage of daily life as objective occasion. Thus, when we indicate someone and several ones as externally acting and being at staying elsewhere in conversation with mutual dialogue or so in own occasional communication(that adjective mutually, mutual means just the grouped one consciousness at least two persons are needed as premise to set group.) as
we have talk subject, we always automatically regard the one, ones as another group, with strangers and acquaintance.

When we indicate someone and several one, we always regard the one or ones from the position of you and me or that relation’s set situated group mutually to anyone and we can indicate any personal one as the third person, in other words we must need first getting the group or couple with other person at least two members.
Indication must be composed and conditioned really just with set group or couple together, that is absolute rule in communicative conversation for us in any occasion.
Eventually, using person as personality and identity in calling objectively to the other ones, that occasion itself makes us to think of each distinctive characterized independent individual in recognition and understanding to meaning of each presence’s position and meaning itself.

In understanding the character each occasion must make us conscious, we discern each distinct character and personality and we naturally and necessarily get to know the mechanism of comedy and tragedy in understanding social emotional human’s disposition.

By the way, with some digression here, for recesses, at the matter of fact, my acquaintance has now no one whom I was contacting with internet or SNS with proposition from the one, I’ve never proposed to meet someone with internet or so, except job ads, so privately.
Several ones were my friends of mine, but eventually all these ones were staying away from my contacting, coz social view was extremely different from mine.
In other words, friendship or meeting together needs necessity to do so mutually by for meeting itself knowing other persons has no steady convincing reason to each other, that typed meeting must be composed only with mutually, so lonely feeling must come to both ones, but that motivated human relation must never be kept, it could never maintain for long term.

Human is the thing which can have confident and reliable human relationship only according to honest reason in surviving and pursuing the life objected engagement.
Several years, surely, I had human network or pals in friendship, now all relations broke up together.
Especially in using SNS with tweets or so, very important pals or friends are hardly found, that is at a degree, so truthful.
I deviated the original object to write this sentence, but occasionally I mentioned former internet’s SNS net, in addition to all former sentences, I want to mention something about internet human relationship.

Frankly speaking, internet human relationship should be used with convincing object e.g. natural or labor disastrous emergency in mutual helping or so.
Using according to usage object, only it must be helped by internet especially with usage to SNS.

Then, get this time more intrinsic propositional subject started.

Philosophically, and very intrinsically, we can never read other person’s mind even if own family members or so close ones, as if we can necessarily so naturally can read own mind.
Mutually we implicitly are known to its absolute truth, coz it is extremely natural, anybody won’t try to debate it.
This absolute gap is father on any sort of world’ enigma.

Eventually, in society we have so many discords in any social activity, probably anything must be reaching any accordance together, only it is the truth.
Idea, position, stance all things are in hard gap.
All gapped ideas create our own unique ideas or so in reconciliation or arbitration, compromise. Coordinating mutual gap means social business, or any sort of our indispensable jobs at work or everything.
All affectionate emotional notion or concept we gradually, understand mutually in human relationship. Friendship either teaches us our moralistic gentleness or so, trust as the way to keep up with in keeping friendship or group’s inner human relationship in understanding together.

At the matter of fact, so factually we can say that the moment to know so well as person issue with the first person, the second person, and the third person must consist of our need and demand to know mutually in group, meaning of trusting, affectionate feeling to be applied in situation or anything must rely on social consciousness promoting object in doing job or keeping family or so on private time.
If we logically recall these processes, we must be known to one thing, it is our mind ease and comfort are needed to private time spending, in this sort of occasion, we feel them, so naturally, but very busy contemporary society makes us bound only in missioned time for contributing to group we individually belong to.

In other words, we usually so smartly and cleverly distinguish all times in publicly so missioned and never be in duty with only hobby and relaxing our body, spirit and mentality.
And even at working time, we try to discover the blanc moment in reacting need to breathe in and out for relaxing. In other words, we necessarily choose the best job in doing so relaxed all mission and can keep it in long term with years in life.
Thus, in distinguishing public time and private time, we can grasp all other persons’ presence in meaning them by ourselves according to a view to secure myself in life.
In other words, we fix our own idea to keep company with or not or so, in distinguishing all time’s meaning, for job, for taking rest or so.

Thus, for the ones who have family, time spending alone and together with family means in discernment, so necessarily.
We usually so frequently switch the attitude, behavior and acting mode and spirit, mentality each fit for distinct occasion. Alone time, together time, grouping time (e.g. when we go to concert to some musicians and appreciating drama playing on stage or so, that grouping moment, we can call).

Each distinctive characterized elemental those distinction can tell us that on the contrary to these discernment, we need anytime synthesize all these very mutually differentiated characterized moments in rationally understanding meaning by ourselves so smartly and tactfully, according to own judgement and recognition toward those different things we privately meet in life.
This judgement toward synthesis is our own idea around life and our own tangible happiness in our own view.
We're busy at switching all differentiated characterized spots with human relation and communication, this synthesis means so much, because only it must regulate all stance and way to survive with own different method to connect with society.

Second person’s meaning differs from both beloved one, other only other persons, with family, work, the same occupation concern ones, local community belonging ones, and these each differed meaning in synthesis, we could know soon, eventually we all ( probably )think always eventually myself as being to both myself and society, but as far as concerned with myself, it can be set only with our own private idea and the idea about me in society or other ones usually we privately spend long time with myself and just strangers in viewing it must be so gapped together, and it is so irresistible factual truth and all other ones except myself is just only impression or socially evaluated estimation by normally thought idea by anyone and any organization or group.

In particular object, any individual one must belong to mass, society as group with municipality of residential area, work, or job concerning things.
Eventually we have no choice and are obliged make up our mind so individually at any case and idea around me of anybody grasped by own person to society is the same. Seen image or estimation and our own idea to it must have gapped distance.
Usually intimate relation to other ones with close friendship or so is usually made at work relation or same business world or so.

View around each distinct belonging seeing is very each differed mutually, and the sole one who can compare with these in discernment must be anytime so consistently in all lifespan is just each myself.
This is the absolute factual truth.
Identity to be known to myself is all owes to only myself.
It is different from member consciousness, latter is just invoked at only work or social environment, and each other ones with any stranger, or so.
Even family members are never always identifying all aspect around family member’s true appearance, coz we all are playing a role to any other ones with wife, husband, colleagues, pals, friends, strangers. At any spot we try to have a performance to assimilate us privately to the environment.

Time, place, occasion, eventually we can make sure of our life survival in our own assimilating effort to myself to the society with mission to make myself to be assimilated to these environment with each different typed moment so privately consciously according to own knowledge of myself.
These discernments to use each differed behavior needs so carefully vigilant perception in watching all situations we are obliged to face or confront and stay at as in each distinct spot.
These exampled things and items I suggested were positioned at one cognitive concept, when we make an effort to advancing public mission done in achievement for contribution to society and own personality to be positioned in society, we can call it all things regarded as social game, and we all are social game players.

Game players anytime try to coordinate and adjust our own personality in performing even in pretending somewhat so superior than own idea, of course, so frank attitude demanded social environment and so modest it demanded social environment both exist.
Just we in no exception are careful about never provoking anti-social acts abstaining from having that sort of idea, only it is the implicit regulation in survival in society for all.
Game players of us need words and its communication. Communication is anytime needed to keep up with situated condition so safer and stably secured by any threats and all violent outrage.

For keeping peace in society all persons are moving and staying at one location with objects and missions.
Eventually we all are never freeing from ethically appropriate idea accompanying with all the other ones in society, as long as we are mortal, coz society must exist for surviving all citizens.
Philosopher, Martin Heidegger was claiming this sentence expressing game player as his term, Verfallen as German meant Expiration, in other words, it means or mortality and what it necessarily bring us about to the future in no destination, this expression in his description means formerly I said once, so comically and it is so self-ridicule. This spirt is shown in either Bob Dylan’s song lyric e. g. Like a Rolling Stone or so.

Heidegger’s definition means either our knowing about no destination, thus we are desperately unconsciously inquiring own destination, but it could never be known to me until we die, then we must be in arbitrary unconscious effort to make myself forget around its so intrinsic matter, and its ultimate proposition means so anti-social, then ordinarily, society must make us have that kind of question, and in knowing it so potentially in no exception to any of us, our truly mentally tough social game must be positioned and defined.
Self-ridicule means so socially smart explication to our true aspect of social life. Namely the definition as social game player’s implicit self-consciousness means our this unknown destination making anxiety Heidegger either mentioned with Verfallen in another German word, in other words, all social players as us are in this unknown destination set travel in time’s going. We can never quit in participating in this time travel as long as once we’d been born in this world.
(to be continued)

Memo: Next chance to its series must address with self-ridicule with Bob Dylan’s lyrics and Heidegger or other philosophers with their papers.