Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Absolute Subjectivity, Cognitive and Confidential to be Alive Part3

Novel’s implicit rule we’d already understood in no expressing with words is never be told of any climax description and conclusion beforehand we can’t reach that sentence, coz we don’t need to know prior to reach that part, readers should be guided to climax and conclusion in no informed nor reported anything.

In addition to it, we can never usually when we walk, nor when we run on the road or so, unless we use vehicles for changing location to stay.

This means information means sending only chosen messages are transmitted to us with any authors’ books, it also means in time expression, we need restricted information when we go into reading next sentence, and we need only restricted information in enjoying with hidden climax and conclusion.
And another is reading or concentrating to proceeding in reading or appreciating race or so being audience or so need fixation for doing it as staying location in no changing posture and transiting to another place, fundamentally, thus reading at vehicles is privilege for contemporary citizens who can easily economize the time spending for reducing cost.

We with an interest to know daring to have hidden unknown thing in curiosity and reading books, or checking information with terminal with smartphone or so, of course walking watching it is so dangerous, are probably connected with each other, but when we appreciate athletes’ races and competitions are not only belonging to these exampled acts but also sharing the enthusiasm or sort of tragedy drama playing on state or tragic movie in theatre means either compassion sharing with all other appreciators, but fundamentally these acts usually are done at one fixed location for appreciators as well as readers of books or so.

Those already described contents means the truth that one is context is based on following information in synthesizing previously acquired plural information with presently never informed information as undisclosed things.
And it needs consistent analyzing mind, that means understanding to content of written things or so.

That truth must be applied to all habitual acts with reading, explicating and analyzing all things.

Second is those sorts of concentrating consciousness must need stably never moving posture, it must be involved with our absolute custom to have residence and settlement to one location, but it must have again at latter description.

That claim must be connected with either our spatial perception at our daily life.
E.g. when we walk along straight road comparatively so flat, we can experience so widened view if that location is never surrounded by many buildings or facilities, we can be spatial sensation any moment we walk as changing location to stay to particular destination or just only loitering or vagabonding around the earth’s one corner.
When we suppose these situations, we can easily imagine two differentiated dimension spatial sensation, with that one is skies’ being way, its character usually especially in occasion being so sunny day, as far as concerned with shielded anything as materials’ presence is none in absence, it makes us feel so opened to further other all skies infinitely but, toward our standing soiled field of ground even if it is so flat and larger field, it gives us an impression so stiffly shielded with surface of the ground as finite dimensioned it.
Skies are so emancipating imaginable presence to us, but its absence of any shielded somewhat must be absent to the flat ground with of course mountainous geographical earth’s location. These contrastive characters each distinctively offers us another dimensioned body sensation and tangibility.

In other words, skies are seen so emancipated from gravity, meanwhile soil accumulated earth ground as filed both flat and rumpy, in other words, these things makes us feel so pressured and bound to solid stiffly fixed condition, probably all mountain climbers and long distance walkers seem to have with own feeling in experiencing thing.

Let’s get back to the subject about reading sentence or books at fixed location with especially privileged our acts of reading them in vehicles, of course, we usually don’t read it in private car with another driver, even with taxi driver, which could be connected with using our situated discernment between general moving object as busses, trains, airplanes and one unit object’s private car or taxi.
That is caused from our situated capability in looking at driver’s appearance as identifying condition in presence and absence.

In other words, one located situated posture is suitable to all consciousness concentrating needed acts with reading and checking internet scripts’ content, animating images with you-tube or news reporting images.

Toward to all those examples, we can easily discover another completely different acts and experience when we walk and move to particular destination for changing staying location.
As mentally, we can feel so different sensation when we walk at flat field without any blockage shielding further landscape, we are perceiving only midst so huge flat space, in city jungle we feel rather confined somewhere, that symmetry must exist in daily our experience even in the same spatial moving and changing the staying location for job as work or negotiation for business.

One pointed location in staying and walking is positioned to midst as long as any shielded materials with buildings in absence must make us feel so heavy mental contrast as vast flat and one point as myself, that is just meaning of midst.

Of course, according to vocabulary usage, we use midst as time expression, e.g. he was midst reading a book when I visited his residence.
But its time’s midst is another meant, very contrastive to us, in discerning spatial midst means our consciousness must never be capable to concentrate only so restricted and so tiny small object so easily than confined situated condition we have for some object e.g. when we look through a microscope or when we have doctors watched and seen with fiberscope to our stomach or so and diagnosed by the one, we need confined room, never be able to do it in opened space, utterly.

In other words, being and staying midst so largely opened space e.g. at walking along straight road on flat field and having situation confined in small room must offer each so distinct concentration according to difference of situation to stay for us.

That bodily sensational reacting modus-ponens in completely contrasting situation must provide us each different typed staying at each moment’s need, but we need absolutely both two things.
As its proof, we have own residence, even if we are homeless, we absolutely need confined space for keeping privacy. Either for vagabonding ones, the staying hotels or accommodating oneself must be indispensable, in other words, we absolutely need both with that one is moving location to stay as having particular object done for survival, but simultaneously settling to own home with residence, at the matter of fact we consistently need both each contrastive mode to stay, that is so crucially important factual truth. And with my standpoint to these facts, I can suppose that we have each independent body and private mind with brain, and these absolutely equipped conditioned fact must make us own particular repetition in any one day, with the order of our surviving effort and it must make us shyness, we usually couldn’t sleep in public and we couldn’t read books in public, it means the presence of our shyness, as the truth as destiny of independent body and spirit holder.

But its thing on the contrary to us who try to think so deeply must make us another mentality as shame, the shame is never so psychologically ordered mentality or emotion, it belongs to more rather philosophy or religion and theology in terms of ethical mind.

We have both each extraordinarily different modes of acts in having staying at one place ultimately turned to settling to one residence with particular locality and consistent changing location in moving to destination so habitually, customarily as routine acts, but these mutually different characterized acts in repetition’s continuation, or durative unchangeable habit or custom means so much for survival of us.

In other words, both completely differed acts are mutually meant by each other, of course, acting with practicing our body in moving and using legs means so much for keeping health with bodily meaning and mental meaning.

These all proposition to be noticed to our reality in survival must be relevant to previously described our very characteristic disposition to have shyness, it must make us understood our all acting proposition must originate in our bodily and mind with brain’s separation and segregated state bound to us as each individual body’s moving is our very characteristic mode of survival, and that is very distance to plants, but as far as concerned with Cyanobacteria, unless they die and make them Stromatolite.
(to be continued)

Memo but as the most important to us either: We have two typed our bodily demanding things, as one is moving on larger space for us, in changing staying location as whereabout of each of us, that must either mean that our survival instinct to hide enemy them for making them unknown and unidentified to mine, but simultaneously.

At one meaning, we one have the instinct to make our own body opened to larger space, but on the other hand, simultaneously we absolutely try to confine us by us, that makes either settlement to one residential location, and it means readiness to welcome own death.
For surviving us, we must move and change the location to stay, but simultaneously we want to settle us at one fixed location for everlasting staying. This contrastive repetition means our surviving life, but it’s so enigmatic reality in destined by Lord.

And one is consistently for our brain’s understanding with reading or appreciating something and feeling bodily tangibly being midst in larger opened space, latter is either so indispensable but it could be regarded as our ideas’ cul-de-sacks, of course we meet it by chance really in bodily life when we move on the road, or even in climbing mountain.

However, these repetitious continuations, lasting, and keeping is anytime obliged to switch the mode to anybody. That thing must be either so very important issue as we regard as very important proposition to us in debating these kinds of things.

(Jan. 29. 30th. 2020)