Blog for Nameless-Value

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I can Never Stop Manifesting Screaming!

I hate fair person the most. They all are a sort of violent gadgets! Les Miserablés’s Inspecteur Javert, the ones who are the same typed are the object to hate to me.

I want to be Jean Valjean. I want to be only advocating favorable things and ones as person, in contacting and evading.
That stance is so anarchy and violent to my belonging society, but the only its choice could be seen so correct, I have no idea but it, about all things in the world, its idea has ascertained reason of which proving is impossible, but it thing could never be done at one sentence or paper. Thereby I continue to write many things.
Just fairness must be sustained by one integral column, it’s libertarian idea and idea around freedom and right authorized for so long eras since the beginning of early modern period, of course I don’t debate the legitimate thought is by itself the thing which has contradiction, and Medieval age’s society was the ideal state for human, but at any way, now world situation is in twisted and never necessary circumstance, it could be said that we all should revise the race and or estimation around being superior and inferior, namely all things in society we’ve never have any skeptic idea, and only it is the just thing, e.g. democracy, capitalism, communism, socialism, individualism, and all things with scientific advancing, developing, advancing, and fairness, justice.

Thus, my emotion tends to have my idea wanting to carry all judging ones with prosecutors, policemen, judge, lawyer, legal concerned ones as ones involved with job of administration and justice to the hell for them. That wish is so deviant malicious hoping, I can see so well, but that emotion must never be stopped by my reason.

Elite thing is never hesitating doing ordered all things as mission, they all think only organization’s keeping and only it is the duty as servant, in it they think should never include their subjective judgement, though in so tough crisis, the ones who are so obedient to be heard of superior ones in society, that thing must be evidenced with so many examples in crisis, with natural disasters our societies have experienced.

In philosophers, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein.
They probably thought about looming human crisis in survival, so intuitively by themselves. Sprinting to aimed and thought correct thing in no procrastination, that thing is organization or grouping acts’ danger, and even if each one person’s idea and moral, and manner, behavior are all so appropriate, what is put together with all ones is easily turned to be lethal weapon and so violent missile.

Abd almost ones in society must believe in its justice, and they would think all these regulated just must never be doubted by so capricious emotion, of course that idea’s reason is convincing either to me, but occasionally we should stop all mobilizing acts and have some reflective reviewing and inspect all complex function of our believing correct thing as justice and fairness, or so.

Of course, so many people must react my suggestion in saying that it’s so romantically anarchy desire or hope so privately favorably thought idea, it must never be false neither, though I can never stop screaming it in mind, even if I will not do so saying so publicly to society, because social thing itself is the object to be criticized at the debate. Then, this question must never be mentioned in public, I can know its reason and mechanism, but I can never delete its question and do never remove its idea so perfectly. But either we can say that what we could never meet in society as an idea must never be owned in mind, even that idea must never be denied so in no reason.

Anybody can have an intuition that something should be switched so properly but usually we can get that feeling afterward so tough issues are popping up caused from so tough crisis like now.

E.g. democratic common sense either tends to be switched to have only so economizing profitable ideas only for easing or labor, that is so reasonable but simultaneously occasionally the moment we should take roundabout must be present, e.g. creating job, academism searching or so are applied to its example.

Very expediently smooth practicing skill is anytime valued so orthodox and the one can do so well are so evaluated and get promotion, that reality is so normal in progressive countries we call so naturally, but that countries are so damaged to pandemic situation, never so progressive countries, just we usually say so in no question, in fact never so damaged, that fact is so obvious, and if I mention it, you are just irresponsible, anybody so superior ones might criticize me together, that is social violence!

Commerce, trade is all done rationally in military order, usually, we allude all never expedient ideas and the ones who says so straightforwardly so publicly as imprudent and egoistic.
But its outspoken message must be done so usually, and that kind of opinion is disturbed thus, all only never deliberated ideas are put together and necessarily group wholeness making sprinting in no questioning, that is invited from automation system adopted at factory. Industrial manner, mass production’s no procrastinating and executing, sprinting must cause natural resources’ destruction, in fact Amazon’s forest destruction is one of the gravest causes to make pandemic rampant to all over the world, especially in Freedom Respecting country. Of course generation source’s planned economy executing country’s one industrial city zone’s insanity is either so serious, but simultaneously this spreading speed and outcome must be caused from plural reasons and never stopping, having no rest or recessing just after practicing and executing all commanded production, commerce, trade, all things must never permit any procrastination nor any lingering in other words, all so irresolute, hesitant delaying and lazy motion in doing all acts are all so criticized at performance rating in company, office and any kind of work, as organization or so. But sometimes we should consider all these act’s and performing behavior’s way to adopt in daily mission. Necessarily to any company member, and their ideas.

Rather at so hard crisis as if now is, we need military order by politicians and public officers and professional medicine concerned workers.

But in ordinary usual days for us, it needs more relaxed speed and deliberative mind room must be shared to any member. Rather that composed posture of mind must make us so introspective thinking and more advanced rational way to deal with every mission we’ve been given by society.

More aggressively paradoxically if I say, more candidly outspoken messages should be adopted at usual spots of us, anywhere we are belonging to, even so scathing opinion should be permitted at usual days, there we tend to make balance and compromise, thus that accumulating quantity first seems to be healthy, but afterward, aftermath must appear as side effect or malicious byproduct in having virus pandemic crisis, its cause has no discrimination to economic form of nation, with capitalism, planned economy, welfare, liberalism or so.

Any kind of opinion must be applied on object for inspection.
For reviewing, once again we should review scientific progressing effort, in a vision to get along with our human presence’s survival or so, going back to our initially set premise to society.
Necessarily historical inspection must be integral. Anytime we are chased only with advancing and this accelerated sprinting and running are usually never criticized by anything and anyone, taking rest, having breaktime, that things’ philosophy must be needed to all of us, working itself is never criticized now, rather how we are able to work for getting essential profit to us, its question must be necessary now to all of us.

Society must be so easily managed by age trend, conclusively its trend urges market demand, and its speedy shifting makes sprinting we could never stop and return to former state. Materialistic significant slowly proceeding posture occasionally should be used. Nature resources destroyed situation must be made by all commerce and trading sprinting, we need symbiosis of human society which is accompanied with nature itself.
Probably all sinister phenomena must have necessity to go upstream to generation resources, but it must be so complex and so composite with so many factors and each pandemic damage’s degree must be inspected with minutely precise data.
Infinity to mobilize any power must have resulted to disruption, that neutral controlling technology would have never be progressed so much at newly pioneered industry, of course with all intermission technology and military industry.
Some so advanced and necessary restricting regulation must be set in so considering. But actually, imperialistic militant behavior and its escalation tends to be so evaluated as the best manner at boom times, this non-chalans must cause natural resources destruction. And market and our demand make escalation to all these, and market trend justifies all extreme sprinting to react all demands, in it we are apt to be blind in believing in advancing and progression.

At boom times, ordinally polemic attitude and aggressive strategical ideas are apt to be applied to managers only for keeping own conservative strategy even toward employees, but either so objectional idea holders to managing ones is so important. One organization’s stable prosperous continuation must be secured with free criticizing chance to managing sided ones. And truly that thing must be applied to either global relationship or world politics. And for realizing all these states, we should be accustomed with restricted freedom in daily our spending life, economizing expenditure and consumption, but we need never complete communism nor socialism, better healthy capitalism and consumers’ behavior even in ordinarily healthy times, either. That must be so intentional and arbitrarily to our act.

Once run for a while, but occasionally walk slowly, and stop at a moment for viewing all around us!
Don’t run so hastening your mind! Don’t do what you do for you, so disconnectedly in no taking resting time, have a break and review all what you’ve done!
Don’t be so fanatic in buying, selling and keeping and spending money for you!

Have a variation and change of running speed!
Capitalism and its game is never athletes’ aim to achieve the best record!
(Apr. 16, 25th. 2020)

Memo: This is just honestly my subjective opinion, at the matter of fact, for meeting it so hard difficulty must be passed in our process to the future. That idea’s progressing takes so long time to be realized, I know it either, just I want to say, next, it is “ For meeting it, don’t precede only smartly rational reason or ideas, sometimes inserting even absurd or sensational judgement or so intuitive procrastination to you! "