Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Our Mind is Non-Linear

Our mind is never seen in analyzing, coz its presence could never belong to nature ecosystem's entire composite order.

It could belong to unalalyzed domain.
That thing is our possibility and either so our peril for our own survival, in order to assimilate our own facing things externally to us, we usually adjust our mind to environment, that matter must prove that we are the one who could be controled by any other one but each myself.

Because our mind could never react at predictable degree, in other words, it includes anytime uncertainty which could be mobilized by so assorted accidentalities. We all are surfur on irregular wave as time and age trend"s shifting in many matters' change urging us swich our aim and stance to react ituation we should control.

In other words, our mind is consistent amplifier of any external stimulus.
Hence, only our mind is anytime managed by non-linear uncertainty, coz with all conditions toward external change and stimulaters as all reacting aspect is so complex and each moment has each distinct reaction, and spontaneus working to all external presenting things.

Thus, we all are essentially relative thing in society as what could be set relevance in human relation, age, ideas of people, coz our facing own environment's power is unimaginably stronger than our idea.

That contradictory fact could be shown in poet's discription, coz they usually take assorted positional idea at each poem, or essay. Occasionally they could claim solidality, but at another occasion, they claim stiff individualism, but these two things are so back to back, mutually. In other words, it must be a phenomenon with two things' claiming of reason to exist, and only poets can show these contraictions, coz our mind is essentially, non-linear, and only it could be a subject should debate.

Because our mind is never linear, both so merciful whisper or sort of affectionate suggestion, and very dry and coollly discribing claiming are on same board, namely first at aglimse, seen so contradictory thing must be our spiritually and mentally so necessary disposition.

Hence, we could say that our mind is non-linear coz we'd never be satisfied with only rationally disposed everything, then, e.g. one person's very short and lack and even so pathological part, as character or inclination  to output own idea or sort of very anarchy and disorderly tendency in imagination or so could be either the most advantageous merit or the strongest arm for survival.

That has already been evidenced with psychology, crinically psychiatry genre professional academists.

On the contrary to its seen so paradoxical fact, rather we should assess that only straightforwardly so vertical and comletely linear one would be present, we should be cautious to the one, regarding the one probably as insane for society, namely only just, only correct, and only clever one is each just equivalent to mad one, coz in the kind of one's mind, there's complete abcence of reason nor flexible reactive capability.

But really, we could find that example, so easily in any kind of comunity or feild of social corner and spot. Even in so officially, formally, and traditionally authentic organization or trustworthy academic circle in world.

Despite of it, if we find someone just only oppotunistic behaviral to anyone, even if the one could be seen so clever, but probably we'd regard the one only so tactful, in negative meaning, we'd lose trust to the one, simultaneously thus only honest and linear one must be made light, but either the one whose stance is anytime so whimsically changeable and inconsistent, that frequent switcher must be regareded as so dubious, from any citizen. 
Then our assessing to one person's character and qualification is anytime so severe, in this term, we all would be inbornly, inherenly, might have been just calculating, and that truth is so funny, but its nature or temparament itself must be so negatively comical, hence we should take that inherently evil-minded as our nature into our account at any trial we have usually, coz being linear or non-linear in estimation to us is so double-edged sword to human being in study.

(Apr. 26th., May. 20, 22nd. 2020)