Blog for Nameless-Value

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Early Morning Walking

Early morning walking is privilege of early to bed ones. That air is cooler for walking so easily.

Early morning logistic warehouses are appearing in getting up from deep sleeping, in the middle of night, all these facimities are sinking to darkeness, but bathing vague light of early morning makes them vivid, waking up from horribly artificial aspect.

Early morning walkers probably think very many things on their mind, but showing nothing of it.
Parks are all so getting their stage step by step, coz very midnight parks' trees are either spooky, that aspect is made by situation by which nobody watches them in midnight.

That very hard gap between daytime and nighttime of aspect is caused from gap between absence and presence of people.

If that kind of gap is so specificly conspicuous, every presence of any material could have two mutually contrustive characters.

It is that any material could be active in the situation presence of human makes the field with any material but simultaneously the situatuon absence of human makes the materials at any field inactive, because all these tools, infra-structure must be only for gathering of people.

That premise is broken at midnight time. 

Then, gigantic stadium at virus infectious crisis loses that mission, then only very empty atomosphere must provide us, so mentally and emotionally.

That impression would never come up to our mind at daytime walking.

For knowing that truty, early morning walking means so much, because what we can discover only at early morning walking must be found by us, if walker's consciousness is insightful. 

(July. 23rd. 2020)

Memo; The landscape appears only at civilization's ruin makes us remember first goast town, but if very prosperous plants' monopoly was realized, that landscape would have human society in absence, that thing means exceptional reason to be to us, that thing, I'll have this theme at series "Green in Plants".