Blog for Nameless-Value

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Thinking Experiment at Something Part3 How can we Understand Ones who don't Kiss could Survive? ❶

Contemporary society had been changed with the social essential change that passionate affectionate ones around loving must be apt to infectious ones, because saliva infection is the typical reason to make the other one infected from so passionate kissing lover to the partner.

But in that situation only would be kept for so long period, exactly human-being must get in extermination mode. In other words, how we can deal with any loving couple can easily kiss together and having free intercourse.

Human society must be spiritually and humanity, completely barren in having only obliged abstention never to have loving passion to a different sex person.

How marriage life, especially to inexperienced ones, should be taken to all inexperienced ones in world must be deliberated by politicians, not only to already economic power acquired ones socially, that thing is mission to them, we certainly allege.

Because the society having no hope for younger generation ones, having no future, then, all of politicians must promote the method to make hopeful couple for yet married couple to love mutually. For realizing that chance for them, any government must found the facilities for making safer couple, because society blocking younger ones have no chance to love lover has no possibility to build the signified fruitful society.

This is just supposition and suggestion, but either I want to consider the possibility to meet these opportunities for all loving couples in world!
(to be continued)
(Aug. 13th. 2020)