Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Nip and Nobble somebody next to you, with Zippo Part1

At hard heated daytime, as if that day at Dallas, although you were nobbled by next one for taking part in demonstration, Black lives matter, but if you have only chicken-hearted never to do so easily, you might evade paved road reflecting many demonstrators’ feet and legs with sunny beam, you might take that another way, if there’s some mountain road to go through forests and approach the cave as this side of cove, you can yell, not only Black lives matter but also Red lives matter, Yellow lives matter, White lives matters, Brown lives matter, Silver lives matter, Golden lives matter, or so!

Give it all up, with the words by mind fuckers, or kind of wonk’s mumble never hiding to say so in front of you, hey next you there!

You’d get that feeling and yell all what you think to trees, soils to the ground, you’d have the better work even at staying home, and you’d get bomb at that work, you know!

Because also you could get your words and get some other one get it in the one’s mind so impressively, couldn’t you?!

Pull out your vigor!

Ooze your mind zippo, and let your legs have a first step to your road!

Take off your timid clothe of yourself!

And scream it, “World lives matter!”

If you have some scary to the club or gunshot from police officers but you have that mind and cheering power to all lives to you, you know!

With that your experience, when you nip going out your staying home someday, you’d be able to nobble the next one accidentally you could cross at small convenience store by your home or vicinity of your home, you know!

(to be continued)

(Aug. 29th. 2020)

Note; This poetry series are devoted to all ones who have the same feeling to all demonstrators at Freedom Respecting country in world!