Blog for Nameless-Value

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Thunder-bolt, Brain accompanying Information, and Eros Part1

Brain has internally desires and curioisities, stuffed so much.

Even if we hold so strange idea, when it comes to outside so publicly, unexpectedly so buffered state only is shown, but its thing could not so worse thing for social order, but  in terms of creativity, not so betther reality.

Thus, creation is to so heavy extent, dangerously destructive act, just adjourns anarchy in meeting death.

Thunder-blot hit experiencing thing necessarily is out of the blue, not previously scheduled thing to us.

Just there is the life accompanies completely no very out of the blue thing, the life occasionally has out of the blue things, the life vey frequently has out of the blue things, that's all.

Necessarily each of them are never relevant mutually.

There's sexual desire constantly on me, and I don't want to lose it forevermore, but if I lost it so utterly, it's the time to make my words of poetry dead in having soul to the world.

It's the better to have a steady partner, but  if I just stay with the one losing my desire, rather being alone so forever would be better than it.

Meaning afterward follows sentences. First it could appear not so clearly seen to me at mind. But all these can not alway be said that my mind could make them all realized so purely. It could be made by very many element of me, but just mind summarize all into one form so formally, really other all with body's wholeness and each part of it, or the brain itself, in other words, whole things in world with memory, reminiscent things, or climate, weather, temparature, humidity, brightness, etc. Eventually these factors are gathered in fusion with vigor and exaustion, then many meanings,  own ideas, sensitivity or so are outputted there.

If I try to discribe only meaning, nothing could be told to readers, then if I feel only discribe in having no other things but meaning, though actually it could be accompanied with other somewhat not meaning, certainly. But I have no idea about that identity, and what could be identified with steady explication must be so commonplace thing not to be attractive to me.

We all are never bound only to memory, but simultaneously some things could be seen so obviously sustained by memory, we could say so clearly.

At city enbironment or at local zones, the roaming acts could be discerned so exactly, in terms of character.

Necessarily, to me, that thing could never be so trivially tiny fact.

Of course, everything could never be arbitrarily chose only by ourselves, so personally, that would be the social life.

However, all things could never be regulated in us, that truth is so absolute.

Curiosity is made by greedy craving for something. 
Writing sentences according to scheduled thing either would have some unique discovery, when I write it so. 

However, in fact, not scheduling occasion could drive me discover more unique found things to me, so continuously. That aspect would resemble love. Or to say, everything we do in life could be each transformed thing of love. 

Gigmmund Freud thought that all acts by human was transformation of sexual desire. That view at contempoarry epoch, not so mainstream of academic circle, but I don't think that it is false. 

Almost that life thing could never go onto along with scheduled plan must be so universal truth for anyone. Thereby, it must be desciplene or test, but either be adventure, discovery, learning, and additionally, it must be disappointment, revenge, emancipation and also confinement.

Acquring something means losing something.

We don't afford to spend lifetime all dsylong only regretting losing things personally, just we could be said that we just for the present accompany all what we'd acquired and now acquring things and get over today all to welcome tomorrow, only so. 
(to be continued)

(Sep. 17th. 2020)