Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Story Telling Blues Part1

As my memory is correct, in Germany, there's a proverb, life is giving up things, or throwing all away from us.
That could mean that we could never stay at one immovable now, then we must abandon any now at each occasion, then we must go onto only future only at throwing all nows away from our proceeding.

Contemporary society has very many numerous issues could attract all citizens concern, interest and curiosity, however that nature means that truly progressing or advancing matter fo us must never be found, rather all very convenient infra-structure and devises in invention and pioneering must evidence that we human-being could never found truly stable values nor immovble truth for us all.

By the way, picture thing as art masterpieces are all so stronger energy emission to express our life, and our daily alive reality, it means impressing these affirmative reality and factual presence.
Meanwhile, music thing expresses our own time, and its nature means our absolute truth that we all at no exception die some another day in future. Because all music tunes are having ending.
Particularly songs are made for singing together or alone by us. 

If we have no absolute truth that we must die personally, there must be no music nor songs. Neither art. Art expresses our immovable values' confirmation, music with songs exresses our life fragility and our lingering attachment to any very fragile nows.

Both are made for our mind potential need and necessity, but the way to be for suggesting to our mind are mutually given distinct role.

In my life reality, writing novel thing must make me troubled mind that creating content of story would become so powerless, because real matters in this contemporary global society must have the strongest impacts to all of us, then I might have been the real trouble that I could never feel necessity to write some story, in other words, I have no reason daring to create story, that mind evaluation wins any other my hope, in my mind.

Then, consequently I must conclude that story thing could be nothing but discribing just only suppositive matters as exampling in suggestion to all readers.

Stories are all just suppositive phrases to the readers. All proses are never exception to its definitive meaning. Then, essay, paper, diary, all sentences are characterized as story telling. 
And necessarily all these must start at discribing something and must end. 
That system must guide all readers in limited time to accept our writers' guidance and invitation, but after ending to be read all, all sentences must be given up from now perceptive mind, and for any reader, only each personal impression could be left. In other words, only that object and process is taken to anybody, then its way to be is very similar to walking or kind of holiday travel.

For any readers, all sentences are only functioned to be guided to logically suppositively suggested questionable submission to writers' subject. Nothing must be submitted but it.
That is all sentences role and factual all truth.

Ultimately all books and any form adapted sentences are just for reading ones, and their mind accepting and their mind making ideas, impression or so are just all, nothing must be necessary but these.

That could resemble e.g. our own family and home. Reading act must be one of our home, that working is essentially so the same to all music tunes or sung songs both at singing and listening to them. 
In other words, these things universally means knowing only our life's shortness and fragility.
Then, from the beginning, all these as once starting and once ending in a system or structure means our knowledge and awareness of potential mind as subconciousness to our inescapable death as mortality, in other words we all are at the destined regulation to be mortal. Only mortality means our life, home and truth, and all philosophic ideas and religion concern ideas are generating from these truths, religion must be present for human being, as well as all sentences, stories are never exceptionaliy present, and all present things must be mortal, and immortal somewhat must be only God and nothing.
(to be contined)

(Oct. 28th. 2020)