Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Sea of Woman Part2 Swimming in Sea of Woman①

I first thought that in the probability with one trillionth accidentally only women were gathered at a corner as Shinjuku district as one of urban area spaces when I was warped to this world, from former original my world.
But necessarily, in spending several hours of this world, I was awoken to that it was false as an illusion.
It had been evidenced that gigantic screen projected the animating images about everything of this world, only with women from the politicians, news announcers, commentators, pedestrians, to any imaged ones are only women.

However, in the world only with women, how I thought was given increased of the population only with women in devices were rejected to think for me, and at the premise of thinking something, from the beginning why were all women never wanting to keep company with any guys, that thing seemed to be so strange and funnily contradictory to me, only so.
At the matter of fact, of course, sometimes women chasing me was present so surely but in an absolute fact for this strange world, any those women who were interested in me were just with the reason that a presence of me was just so rare to them, it could be possible, in that kind of world only with women, I thought so.

Thus, eventually, women who are craving for holding me were the presence for me that coz, the world originally I was belonging to had necessarily the situation with so many guys except never offered me, then I was so interested in having so many different sex persons, and many of them are answering my request, despite of it, those women are so limited minority in this world.
And even them who were needing me were never desperately needing me so much as the last-ditch request for them.
As I said, those actions of them were caused only from the just only curiosity.
Their all trials to me as temptation must had been only closer to the Avant tulle, only younger generation women are needing before marriage, without any anxiety if the partner could never be found, possibly each one must have been alone in all lifetime as marriageable age was over, beyond proper marriage term.
Namely even so mature aged women or marriageable aged one were all so namely never being in any anxiety never to be able to marry someone, even with near menopause inviting term women, as the true fact seen to me.

And it was never what I needed in this world, necessarily.
In other words, this world had the truth that almost women are in natural idea that life without a guy was the sole common sense to be offered to them in no need to guys, and never said even to be accustomed only with this reality so completely, from the beginning, no presence of men is just the absolute fact or truth to them.
Thus, even what I was one of male sax persons was never so especial to them as so dinky and trivial fact to them, after a few while I arrived this world accidentally, I was awoken to, gradually.
And until that moment to be assured of its fact, I absolutely realized to the truth that my so craving hope to the world only with women, surrounded only by them in my dream must had been possible to be held in my mind as an illusion only after half of our population must be shared only with guys except girls as the absolute fact and truth to us.

Namely, the irretrievable despair flood to me so at a stretch until the moment to be awoken to that absolute premise as the truth for all of human-beings.
I had so hot homesick seriously in my mind that just with the fact many other guys except me was urging me to want racing any other guys about getting female sex steady one, as one focused target together with any other men as the so natural reality to us and step by step I got to be an behavior in walking behind any of women making me hide behind them, weeping so silently willingly making them never be waken to my presence arbitrarily, so continuously in my days for a while.
It was no longer that this world truth meant to me that I was never be needed by any women by nature so precious to me, but absolutely they had no interest to me as the necessity for them as a creature, that truth was the evidence to me why I cries everyday weeping to this absolute unchangeable necessity only this world had.

(to be continued)

(almost fundamental ideas are intuitively born in my mind at Nov. 5th and added and revised to ending up was at Nov. 20th, 2018)

(another blog examplewordpresscom 1616, at Dec. 10th. 2018)