Blog for Nameless-Value

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Logics' Idea Present at Base Part1 Logical Thinking in Conversion①

If we suppose the best way for making money, probabaly at this contemporary society, only one thing could be left to us, that depends on only what we could survive the poverty, and breaking through any tough days only with minimal resorces and economize everything as much as possible. In other words, now 21century world order is not dependent on inheritance like 18, 19century, otherwise, nowadays are no longer the age of satiety like 20century, so generally except privilaged ones normally ordinary citizens are at anytime needed to survive any perilous days, then essentially not experienced povety could never keep wisdom to survive so tough hardships for all human beings. Eventually the ones who knows so well the wisdom to survive hard poor livelihood days could find out so effectively economized life and the method to convince so many ones in world, then consequently the ones who know that truth could make so big money. Because only the ones like that could create so universal idea to ease and help all ones at poverty.

Since nowadays, study of logics could have been sustained with dechotomy and duality, but it depended on almost next formula.

Affirmation;   A is A' (Fixed idea at each categoraization) Orthodox 
                     A is B  ( Strange idea at favor unexpedctedly coming up to mind) Touched emotion, Empathy, Agreeable Sympathy

Negation;      A is not B
                     A is unidentified ( Feeling so funny, spooky, disgusting, as all negative emotion, statement of these) Skeptical Impression

By the way, all (is) could include all verbs. 

Nevertheless, we could say that truly our affirmable and trustworthy idea to each practical example is anytime so limited and so changeable and switchable according to situation and the changing of our own situation. 
However, with these conditions, one thing I want to emphacize is next.
It is that affirmating from the bottom of heart could be anytime so rarely exceptional, other almost things are just so so, or to some extent permissive, and that gradation makes so precisely many grades. Hierarchy, class, rank or so, and all are so inconsistent and anytime so switchable. 

In other words, from to some endurable to disgusting and unendurable, namely from loose denial to complete denial must exists so diversely. At the matter of fact, variation of denial by itself could help us have ideal form or presence. And with these truths, our all language activity's basic spiritual structure could be set, composed at each occasion, and necessarily its stance and keeping lifespan is so fragile, and only these aspects could be necessarily natural to us as contemporary society habitants. 
Ultimately, our mind and mentally and spiritually coming up our value consciousness must be sustained with the composition with so limited and restricted tip of iceberg ideally affirmative thing as very few presence and very many from not so but not completely negative things to the cheapest ones as very extensive range of these.

If we define these logical order, we could survive and overcome all contradictory logical forms and regarded so necessary bases of logics. After all tip of iceberg could be triangle pyramid's apex. → referrence to the picture of it. 

Eventually our value assessment around the top favorite it and other all are at multiply layered aspect as well as triangle pyramid’s formed order and underground layered matters’ combination and option could contribute hte outputing of not so and similar to the ideal as top favorite and ideally regarded tip of iceberg. And necessarily that aspect to each layer’s member is anytime so arbitrarily switchable.

This realiy only could be regarded so necessary and natural for all contemporary society citizens on set implicit premise for univesal formula formulation at these days for us.

Then, logically we necessarily need very vast ranged and variously existing extent of not ideally regarded things could be so integral for each decision for sole option we are obliged to make.

(to be continued)

Mar. 28th.   2021

