Blog for Nameless-Value

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Sleeper’s Shelter / We all are Powerless / ✽ Introduction

We are at so perticularly specific and characteristically complicated age. Because our own assessing mind to anything could be at so busy changing consistently stimulating our mentality, mind idea and emotion at justice or so with any item and any content.

At the matter of fact, we all are surrounded only with uncertaity and unfixed unpredictable situation, and it could be so remarkable at mentioning, its thing makes diffrerence at authorized, powered and not completely powered.

Being fallen into the next unpredictable phase deployment at regarded aspect is anytime instigating our interest and mentality and curiosity. Both in terms of politics, enomics and any dimensioned thing. And necessarily its reality is based on or has basis that we all are just sleepers.

E.g. at 17. 18 century, at least at old continent countries, had so strict class diffrence between general ones and authorized and powered ones. Inheritance, legacy or so was managed and controlled by so limited ones at higher class people. But that reality's aspect was gradually riding on the so switchable mood or consistent not fixed aspect particularly after the 20 century's two great global wars. Certainly until from middle term to half second half first term of 20century , habitually kept powered ones' influence was never so small, of course necessarily even nowadays that kind of fixed trustworthy powered ones' authority could exist, nevertheless, that duration as range of effective authority is gradually riding on the very easily switchable mode or so, we could say so.
Necessarily at Planned Economy country's it is to some extent so exceptional but either it could be perhaps so unpredictable we could say, either so.

Additonally, powered ones and generally half opting to be managed by them and some occasion have some resistence in these mutual obvious gap could have been reduced and mitigated with many reasons. At least in terms of plitical option or opinion and message sending, mutual gap could be said so immediately approaching close together. Necessarily its thing could be promoted with our usage of internet and SNS sites' sending messages at each gathered so easily for making popularilties' poinion so visible at being outstanding.

Consequently 20 century's curtain closing and beginning of new century made worldwide people not so easily believing any authority and powered ones' everlasting dimi nation and reigning to all citizens, just because of it, the one so vast spatial country's it could become the issue topically all over the world. Necessarily military reigning at one Southern Asia country's situation is unexceptional, that country has specifically the various ethnic group's military order and these presences could comlicate the tottalized situation's running direction.

In other words, poverished ones, not so stronger but to some extent stable life holders and other all graded ones are so complicated at one so complicated situation entirely at any space of global community. And a or some power shift under the water is taking place,so consistently. Necessarily intellgence gathering activities are so activated at any region of this world.

probably exceptionally at some so honest diligent employees or so could have to some extent so stable life mode, but other all ones could ride on so unstable unpredictable life keeping race running on age trend and age wave. And necessarily mutual gap moreover so makes itself so smaller and subtler, because the index of each valuable assessment by itself is so assorted and not totalized at one indication, in other words, our life option is morover getting so diverse. Necessaily power specific gravity is anytime at so switchably converting mode. All borders and distinction must get so vaguer than those days as 20century the half second to ten years ago. 

Democracy's citizen right and internet usage in complicated reality makes us the strangely another dimensioned world society's modus ponens. And necessariy nation's prestege or dignity by themselves could be at swung situation, fixed ideas are all jolted with many factors. Then necessaily nation's it and investors or capitalists' it are mutually gapped in terms of trading partner's option and human resorces recruiting and procurement. 

Public opinion was made by some so supeior commentators and intellectual ones' opinions' guidance, but nowadays that movement is at changing on SNS or so with each free upping message transmitting acts or so. Then, necessarily any class one has doubled standard as one only for public opinion and second as another only for genuinely each "myself" as personal option, thus we could say any citizen in no regard of class or so, we all are just sleepers, each one so personal sleeper.

That reality's modus ponens of ordinary democratic contries and tyranny autocratic countries have mutual gap at execution of liberty acting and freedom of speech and upping at SNS must exist actually, nevertheless, even at tyranny countries must have underground activity and transmitting action must be realized so secretly, I guess so.

Then, necessarily like M🔲mer or so, overturn of the govermental order could be easily taking placer at anywhere. That potential capable power anytime smokes to and fro at any country. That mentally possoble presumption could be circulated at many countries, probalby absolutely tyranny countries. 

Meanwhile these characterized realities provide each one each specifically distinctive frustratiion and each unique method to solve it and diffuse these frustrated mind by each one. Necesarily that idea is ordinarily so done secretly and anybody is apt to hide it to any other one except family members, otherwise even to the same family members, each one could keep secret, we could picture so. 

In other words, as sleeper, we usually to some extent pretend and really practice so obedient citizen to the municipal community and nation itself, but simultaneously very unidentified so frustrtated dissatisfaction to all these stragenly assaulting realities as in terms of politically and financially meant phase, and domain we can share and independently hold with own effort. Paraphrasing these, social commonsense in  loyalty as the citizen and each optional life mode realization at each momentary held mentality and personal emotion are each mutually independent and necessarily these things could be complicated outputting some screwed up in mind and occasionally fiinding out the wayout from frustration and satisfaction. 

At the matter of fact, effort to assimilate age and this century's nature's trend and ideas, but on the other hand, anybody desperately look for another mind changing method. And unexpectedly to anybody, these two diffrent mindsets could never be confused mutually in disorderly annoyable reality's embodiment. Each consciousness must be divided so obviously and necessarily autonomously so. Hence we could be each own sleeper in society. 

Certainly each one must have each gap felt at own mind, but at each item we could never be confused so ed so easily. We are necessarily obliged to be bound any social trend and situation forcibly switching all convenient systems at consuming and preparing home infra-strucutural for keeping daily convenient life habit and usage of any tools.And necessaily, at each assimilationg with interlocking of society and personal option makes morover mutual gap and tough distance at hoping reality. But, nevertheless to that factual reality, we could enjoy that each mutually realized tough gap for amusing ourselve so spontaneously, and that must be our life's substance at contemporary society. 

Our Maximal Effort to Assimilate all so Necessary Interlocking reality of Society


  Our Mind holding Necessarily creating Mutual Gap toward our assmilating reality's                              nature and our Mind holding Seen so Ogirinally Needing it 

Consequently, anybody could start at one specific term in life looking for the diffusing method to these tough gap, because if we only consider these gaps, we'd be insane at keeping healthy mind, then we'd made up our own mind to keep the best method to reduce stress caused from this mutual gap at mind.  

Then, after all, we could have anytime for securing our sane mantelity, Doubled Standard at keeping our conveninent but so hard nervous life mode at being felt gap between mind holding ease and externally assaulting busy switchable updating and upgrading's compulsory running life. In other words, we could never escape from these so complicated realities anyomore everlastingly, probably. never yet, that aspect and appearancer must be accelerated more and more. 

Then, necessarily we could have both two mutually so discerned method to diffuse it.

One is just making us habitually assimilated with the social tough speedy change.
And another is just escaping from mentally these busy switchable realities only at our own mind and easy time wanting necessity. 

Let us name, former, 🤩Riding on Speedy Groovy Mode.
And to latter, 🌟Escaping from any Socially Realized Reality.

Necessarily, both things could have both so secretly holding mindset and so publicly pretending it. 

(to be continued)

Mar. 30th.   2021