Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Another Life Part1

Another life is made by really realized life, thus we arbitrbitrarily find dissatisfaction to really given life.

In other words, we can have introspective mind and with that consciousness at that interpreted life, we are apt to look for incomplition.
In other words, we meet the picture as we are, in that picture, we find out another aspect that given our reality does never have.

Namely one thing as it is makes our mind another thing as it is not or it does not have.

Eventually, one definitive interpretation makes us denial to that thing. Hence if we don't have really given life neither we'd have another life which must never really given life to us.
Then, necessarily another life is just what we arbitrarily make on the basis of really given life for us.
In other words, as long as we keep us survived, we must make us another life's possibility as prototype of own hope of wanting no competition around having satisfaction and content.

Why we do so is caused from that we subconsciously know that satisfaction means competition and we know that only being aware of not competition must make us have another competition and only its updating of aim could make us a satisfaction we can have sense of being alive.

Eventually, we can have assurance at looking forward to future's coming only by finding shortage now we have.
In other words, knowing now condition's shortage first we can have hope to the future at which we'd have 
assurance that we'd get another advanced phase of own life.

In other words, we for getting sure hope to our future and its coming arbitrarily find out our now moment.
Finding out shortage means that we hope to more advanced aspect at our future as another phase we'd update and get its now holding hope updated.

Eeventually, we postpone our life's conclusion can have hope and assurance of survival for our life.

These things to us necessarily means that we have anxiety to our future around our survival, that notion was interpreted by Heidegger with his concept Sorge (means anxiety).

In other words, we, in one serial life, with discovery of new established phase and its satisfactory meaning.
We can have a feeling at diffusing anxious feeling around surviving our days for deleting anxious emotion,we have new phase and try to find meaning of its advanced and satisfactory, consequently so previously to the real future coming.
(to be continued)

May. 18th.   2021