Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Violently Gun Shooting tasty Sprint Part1

To mind, to heart, to reality, to our daily usage, to our commonsense, to our sensibility, and to our sensitivity, any sort of complaint must erupt from anybody’s mind, you know!

All brilliantly ordered highway must get so miserably destructive crash too, occasionally.
A building suddenly collapsed but at the spot, human mind rather could be calmed.

But at so peacefully field, truly inner introsoective mind at anybody could be so helter-skelter and so screwed up, presumably, you know I can infer.

Very one elegant speach at some ceremony, but all heard audience's mind at each emotion could be near exploding at that so offcially makeshift flattery to some authority or so that anybody could be tiresome and bored so maximally.

Only aggressively shot words' storm could ease all so honest audidence, you know!

Anytime, so unexpectedly exciting words running must be so easily and simply created at no strictly precise schemed preparation, rather so out of the blue improvisatorial devise makes us know the unimaginable upset parody sensitive to it.

In tense silence, with so embarrassed atmosphere, only one person unexpectedly speaks so bluntly out of blue and all the other ones suddenly laugh at that timing, the kind of generating thing could get some touching moment.

The kind of daily acquirement must have some magic of timing.
And these necessary streaming of thing's carrying means some our originally equipped instinctively savage violently gun shooting tasty sprint of our spirit, you know.

Anybody looks forward to getting that kind moment, you know!

Spirit demands so strangely commical and a litttle bit so cruel and savagely ironic and stinging excitement, you know!

Violent hardboiled some so miraculous moment is waited by many awkwardly silent ones, the kind of group we essentially are belonging to, you either!

(to be continued)

Jun. 26th.   2021