Blog for Nameless-Value

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Even if so Impulsively Converting Life could be to Us, No Problem

If we are running on lifespan, so stably, and that aspect could rely on first hope and life's own strict philosophy, nevertheless, at one moment in meeting so out of the blue, so unimaginably not experienced wonderful discovery was there, we'd be at no problem even if anything we'd set at first stage for future scheme or planning, we could be allowed to convert that course so completely, you know!

Because we are not surviving only future's scheme already prepared and just going along with it is the sole option, that obedience to scheduled thing could be denied so dynamically. 
In other words, we must be permitted to change the course or stance at spending lifespan, so essentially from the basic life value's dundation. 

Even converting thoroughly fixed ideology or so plainly settled mindset could be permitted to be canselled at impuslive whim at finding inexperienced some incredibly exceptional flashy idea or seen very pradocxically newly upgraded some unknown method could be applicable at no previous pictured aspect so suddenly.

For instance, very rarely, and incidentally one so coquettishly pretty you were there, in front of my eyes, even if I would chase you at completely capriciously motioned mind, even if I'd lose everything at getting you, I'd never be regretful, no matter what I would lose is so plenty of my already gotten assets, I'd be satisfied with its reality, you know.

And if you spoke the language of your country and I'd be perfectly at no idea around it, no matter how that could be so difficultly made and used language, I'd study and learn it desperately for watching your pleased expression when I use it in front of you, and no matter how your country is at end of this earth, I'd head for that land giving up all things I'd gotten already, I just gamble at getting only the new life with nobody but you!

Eventually, ultimate our life's own value and satidfaction is nothing but daringly ignoring all regarded so normal and stably convincing ideas and seemed so correct commonsense, you see!

Because at our life any moment could be waterdhed for converting so upsetted and perfectly broken aspect to the first vision as fixed decision.
That very tough uncertainty could make us some very nuraculously unidentified jewlry tasty invension and innovation so occasionally.

Life is as well as thouderbolt, atrociously unexpected overturn, and even at being in it, we'd have another course and so useful encounter and supremely splendid satisfaction!

Neglect all uniformal idea outputting circuit in our brain!

Because life is one chance at keeping our own stepping on no retrunable running!

Jun. 28th.   2021