Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Society and Individual Part2

Society acts along custom, never ideology.

Freedom, right, fairness are involuved with a need to claim their necessarily.
All of those have never set in the society, previously.

All of citizenz are slaves of a belief that being robot of society is only what we sgould obey and keep us individual.
That belief is implanted to our mind since unfantile ages since we are born by society making us believe that obedience to social custom is the sole justice.

Religion, idea, all of political ideology are just the outcome all costomary behavior and acts by all citizens have made to us.

Our faith to society cutom and society’s trend, movement make the customary act of us, either behavior or ideas we think it so unique but actually nothing but so commonplace.

If we pay attention to what we can survive, we would be noticed soon that only behavior or habitual idea bearing propensity and our using language structure assesses us to survive.

Philosopher Wittgenstein said, idea’s limit is the world’s limit.
It makes sence that former of us is latter of us.

We could never stay away from our own behavior, and a way to deal with eery social actings, dispose every socia;l problems.

We are all words’ robot, and autonomous transiting animal.

We have no way but enjoying being robot moved by society’s custom.
Sarary getting robot, holdday amusing custom invoked by social temptation only for dispatching consuming mission for Capitalism and forcibly reset to restart another week’s routine working for society.

Thus, we are obliged to buy so many odd commodities only for sustaining the Capitalistic economy circulation set so stable.
On holiday we are making surplus expenditure being urged by wifew and children.

Any social workers have no choice to contribute capitalistic economy society buying and consuming surplus commodities, services, transiting set on us being obliged to buy and spend.

In addition to it, we have no choice but laughing loud about those realities of ours as far as never be concerned whether we should enjoy its bound irresistible reality of the society or we should reform our own reality as we think it would be the idial.

(to be continued)
(Jun. 8th., 10th. 2019)