Blog for Nameless-Value

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Human’s Nature Part1

Human consistently wants to cling on somebody who could advice or rescue some bitter content when he or she is in so tough situation, being so modesty and so gentle when he or she faces some other helpful one to consult around some tough thing.

But when we take so lower behavior to that one in never so being indifferent manner, that first helpful somebody’s behavior to each myself would be escalated to be in arrogant so unexpectedly, anybody who first ask some rescure or healing even would be disillusioned to that first helpful one and soon exchange the mind of each one, namely he or she must make up his and her mind to ignore that first helpful one’s kindness at own memory, he or she would be fed up with that one’s kindness felling so unwelcome thankfulness.

Anybody can feel too much of a good thing, and would become cravingly escaping from so arrogant obligatery behavior and that one must want to be left that one alone.

Thus, very nervous feeling around the sickness or desease, anybody must need a help so seriously to anybody, but after being rescued by somebody, and that one could feel so never so kind solution to that benefactor, just that one must become even petrel.

In other words, so modest and so honestly gentle attitude would be made only by that attitude maker’s tough situation and so suffered mind by so many distresses, but after recovering the one’s mind’s exhaution, anybody could be dry toward even the benefactor and becoming to free from that one’s favor so ardently.

Namely in conclusion, human’s nature is so evil but just with its character, anytime human must keep their own energy and paradoxically the so sturdy self confidence holding person must want to be so independent from any other person, never relying on any other one.

Either its selfishness must never be condemned by anybody, coz its arrogance must be the one which could encourage the human’s individual mind.

Its trait is so necessary, and it must never be a black joke, it can be so natural human mind’s honest feeling.

Eventually, human-beings’ each own mind never be understood by anybody but the one who has that mind, its absolute truth must never be infringed by anything.

So, cynically human mind is never the thing which could be analyzed nor explicated so easily.

(to be continued)

(Jun. 21th. 2019)