Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Breezy Evening’s Coming in Reminiscence at Next Day with Drizzle

Breeze came back to evening, my mind whispers in rejoicing of pleasant skin and body feeling, to myself with a hope to accept it for a while, I made my bus to go and I stayed since next bass came there at a bus stop of central station of my city.

Long time no feel its bracing, balmy skin tangibility tasted so naturally, breeze incited me to another sparked idea in forgotten for long time coz of extraordinary heat feeling telling my brain and heart.
My fresh sensation at that time must be gotten only there, I thought so.
Coz I intended to write this poem at the bus stop with pleasant breeze at the time. Coz until a while ago, my brain was surrounded only with an idea that I wanted to run in heavy downpour if it can withstand that crazy heat, more I felt so. But at the time I accept pleasantly sudden breezing, I didn’t have that feeling anymore.

Breezes like that time’s breezing air I felt must be conveyed at so many places, but it was never so universally whole over on the earth, my feeling breeze was the sole there I felt.

Man, it’s a thing which could never be surviving in no moving and positioned at one place as his residence he’s able to observe every surface of the earth, physically and metaphysically with listening, reading, watching in TV images or letter information as assorted news reporting or so. But simultaneously even if man is feasibly doing so, he must be tangible to intimately only so close area’s feeling to him and only knowing pinpointed news reporting contents, that information would never be so realistic to any man, that’s a true thing.

Any news reading and listening must have the readers and listeners interested in only intimately familiar area’s events or so, coz any receiving ones of news reporting is just individual one.

Mankind are all so fairly gifted only particular really tangible sensation and meeting at each time, not only it but also, wholly lifetime is so, anybody could never feel the same to plural places as so familiar impression gives to them, even if once they individually have visited ever, simultaneously to well-known places for each of them.

For anyone, good old sweet memory around words used to be spoken and listened at infantile ages was caused from so individually held impression at own mind, suffering bitter experience either must be only individual things for anybody, all items are proper to and mean so significantly to only each individually to anybody, even if two persons are raised so close area, they have the utterly different memory to their original homeland.

Each distinctive memorized indigenous district of the same region, in sadness of heavy gap and never shared the same feeling to each other.

Being separated mutually means two different mentality, spirit and body are accidentally crossed one term, just only so, at this rate, possibly so far region’s pen pals or now age’s internet SNS friends or so would be moreover closer to any individual, either that reality must be present for anybody.

After waking up at early morning with cloudily cooler temperature felt to me, in drizzling, but once I woke up at midnight before dawn, that time’s wakeup was so at a stretch in no left exhausted bodily feeling, pleasantly sudden wakeup at the moment was long time no see out of blue for me.

Freshly cleaned wakeup must be set only by murkily glazed or standing stagnant wakeups of the other days ever I had. And that wakeup must easily get the impressive news reporting in many information I got.

When I was younger than now, at my work at those days, I was impressed at reminiscent news report about the picnic plan of East Germany citizens staying abroad, those days.
The same day today, I heard that Chinese so old citizen man was reminiscent to Tiananmen Square protests at the same year as 1989 just thirty years ago, I was thirty years old, I can easily remember those days, so famous female comic artist recently passed away as author of Chibi-Maruko-chan ‘s its comic series gained ground those days.

However, my standing position was either those days so particular only for me, even if many things were shared to anybody in the same country.

My standing position, the whereabout to live those days, my transiting distanced areas, visiting places, whereabout first I heard all news those days were all so particular, as the same for anybody except me.

At one date, anybody has own whereabout and the memory around it, and for anyone, it was so particular, at this fact nobody is unfairly given.

Thus, probably my experiencing breezy evening yesterday must have presented to me today’s early morning’s cloudily rainy lamentable emotion, but with so clear pleasantly well slept night’s aftermath.

News reporting informs any audience only pinpointed extraordinary events or incidents. But truly concerned one’s that kind of reported incident must mean completely another and externally observing ones only with news are each arbitrarily explain those news events or so, these observing way is so selfish neglecting all concerned one’s mind, their notification must be so extremely notional for all concerned ones directly confronting at these incidents’ spots real time.

But all those incidental facts are becoming to be shared to anybody in the world.

Yes, as you say now, nevertheless to those truths, we must claim worldwide peace for everyone, so generally in contemporary society, it’s correct, your saying is so right, but probably I would never leave my now location so easily even in my future unless any extraordinary incident would never come up to me, thus I also just notionally observe those news reporting as if anybody does so, I know it too.

My location, standing point and transiting and moving ranges are all at anytime so arbitrary only for me, and I’ll make my message around yesterday for on day for all of you only from my each time whereabout only for me and the sole my standing and staying point as own location anybody except me could never have.

So as if now I can remember about yesterday at bus stop where I felt first so pleasantly received fantastic breeze at evening glow moments. I exactly wanted to receive that breeze for a while even if I saw off former leaving bus.
In other words, only with that pleasant breezing air, I can barely talk about something for example world news as events or incidents also from now on.

Thus, I’ll send you all my message also from now on, making my position only I would be given by each moment’s something.

Yes, at those chances, we would make an effort to go on for looking for mutually shared something, for example saving the world as much as possible, physically, mentally, spiritually, metaphysically.

And at each moment, why don’t we talk to each other each particular private feeling together for a while also from now on, coz what we can do is only it.

(Aug. 20th, 2019)