Blog for Nameless-Value

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Fighting Women

One little boy was born between mind gentle man and fighting spirited woman sixty years ago, that boy was becoming middle aged and so many women he met is anytime annoy his calmed mind.

Secret holding means giving that one having gentle-minded to other person’s weakness, it means trained to be concessive to all ones around boy, it’s initiation to be adult.
But fighting woman’s dictionary has concession as vocabulary. And fighting woman is generally never able to admit it, they believe only it is justice and for them men’s concession is injustice and unmoral, in other words, their concession means denial to men’s concession.
Hence, they all are so ungenerous to secret holding meanness according to their belief. Their dictionary has no secret, coz they believe only honesty.

Gentle guys with so many secrets have a mission nobody can have but them is training their shrew as justice woman as remedying their fighting acts.

Society’s essence is redressing all biased correctness and training all correctness of only self-justified fighting woman has. But one correctness's death means another correctness' s birth.

Gentle-minded and generous guy’s life is colored with justice holding correct woman, fighting woman to any false and injustice. They meet only them, destined at their opportunity.

Woman world has no concession, coz it means their defeat. Defeat to society itself and other women.

But gentle minded guys are just meeting them in enigmatic reason, probably coz they unconsciously want to be spanked by their training shrew.
Trainees are all wanting to be bullied masochistically by unmanageable violently sprinting horse.

Unmanageable fighting woman, you are at a rate another Goddess, coz in man, military woman’s sexiness is the sole healing, you, fighting women, you must give birth to their DNA running guys or gals, it’s so splendid.

Sometimes, scold me so much in no oppressing, and spank me again, I will be obedient your slave!

Shit! All social correctness only men have built since ancient epochs, fighting women, you are the sole Angel to change its world’s falsehood of all acts of men’s gentleness, good bye lies with vanity, good day, how do you do, refined just idea, it must be born from fighting women. Coz they know that secret bears biased concession.

But sometimes you, fighting women, smile to me so gently!
(Sep 29th. 2019)

Note; Today is my birthday, and this poem is homage to all women I met since I was born sixty years ago, with my mother as the first one of them.