Blog for Nameless-Value

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Unseen Consequence must be the Chance in Having Ambitious Hope

All things would be seen just accidental, nothing could be certain, event that view would pop up to now me.

Excluding any unnecessary things, how can each of us be accompanied with own aspiration toward own future?

Only with it anything happens to us, we can exactly make everything dealt so well, as somewhat does never make us down.

Human could never posses any other human, human could never change any other human’s idea forcibly, it is shared initially set truth for keeping us so reasonable, all you can do so brings you about anytime hopeful future in making us mobilized to constantly unseen future anytime we need.
Thus, in it, you are me, us, they are us, and me, she is he, he is she, all are never false.

All things are in our individually private mind problem. It’s so grave.

Human as an individual mostly requisite condition, he is probably only doing in own maximal will in duration. And if it would be done tangibly felt to any mind, other futuristic every curious thing might never be committed to it beyond necessity.
Otherwise, we just are incarnated to absolute time, aren’t we?

Everything could be started just from this moment on, anytime, but simultaneously it need never deny all parts, coz they are also in now and future everlastingly.

Past is anytime never substance, it’s absolute evidence of our memory presence.

Memory is consistently our healing tool, but at the same time, either stumbling stone.
Although we needn’t out it all from mow and future.

We always have no idea where we are going to head for, but its where is anytime here, there, and all places.

So, possibly all beings as being might have been assimilated to time itself, and time might have been somewhat assimilated to them all.

But only space could never assimilate anything nor defect from itself but never by itself, only space could be made by beings’ move and change in time, just it is absolute acceptance probably we learn own modesty, gentleness from it, as space’s acceptance.
Our ambitious hope would come up with a help of our admission to it.

But only space could never assimilate anything nor defect from itself but never by itself, only space could be made by beings’ move and change in time, just it is absolute acceptance probably we learn own modesty, gentleness from it, as space’s acceptance.
Our ambitious hope would come up with a help of our admission to it.

(Sep 29th. 2019)