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Selfish Woman

Machine controlling society changes us day by day, so busily nervous and shrewd only to survive essential tough race.

Anybody could be entangled into whirlpool of never stopping global economically serious struggle.

But if we are in never so tough situated life every single day, selfish woman is so disgusting presence for us, but this age’s extremely serious surviving whirlpool to manage us in uniformity only with mission to fulfill numerical target, paradoxically selfish woman’s way to survive is the one which we can refer to.
Many younger generation ones’ each life is disclosed to all dangerous age and any top leaders’ selfish rational arbitration and commandment, they desperately tide over their crisis in surviving, for them as reference to learn, any selfish woman’s arrogance must be so instructive lesson for surviving next age.

Otherwise, their selfish arrogance could ease our general citizens’ mentally exhausted pain unexpectedly.

It is so rarely meeting case, and even mind rescue to us. Coz only arrogantly egoistically acting selfish woman’s posture must be the object attracts all onlookers in any corner of the city not only it but also locality area must need them to ease any impatience never to catch up with any city prosperity.

Because even she is essentially never so strong, but maximally they endure all sufferings which are so invisible, coz rather woman is more vigilant to any hidden pressure from all aspects in society or world itself as so selfish neglector to us all.

Selfish woman is at a rate symbol of overcoming severely stoic and rationally pitiless society we’ve unconsciously made according to each moment’s need to make our life progressed and its sequence must be escalated by human groups and organization with a reality in race to others.

All those phenomenal things are anytime implicitly so forcibly done to us, we can have any so smart evading way so individually.

Hence sometimes when we observe so selfish woman’s acts in city, we rather can get peace of mind, that should be a woman, never guy, it’s must to keep as our condition to have an ease individually.

Potentially anybody would wish the coming of selfish but so elegant woman from anywhere, just with so many uncompleted guys’ acts visibly outstanding to all citizens in world.

Any cold activists in world of woman is the same.

If you find outcome so honestly selfish woman around you, you must be touched to its way to act and be thought by anyone around her, coz there we could never recognize any pretention.
At a meaning, we all guys are bored to looking at only beautifully handsome women.
In other words, any selfish woman has no pretentiousness and any flattery, it means so much to world itself for us.

Selfish woman, you are just so faithful to your creed you’ve never doubted even once, for only surviving first, but it must have been transformed so gradually turned to your true will.

Even you yet has no progress to persuade anybody with your reason, just only for surviving the society to the future, it would encourage all never so stronger citizens’ spirits. Only for surviving taking selfish way is so natural, anybody could have that consensus toward you.

Sometimes you scream something to nobody in city corner or so, in so busily switched modus ponens in city space, only you are the honest!

With looking at you, there’s so many real stories in world for writing lyrics for example the case of me.

Almost all of this real society is discovered in you as the precious presence in world and community.

Selfish woman, only you have no lie in action and no cheating, all you do is just nothing but your true mind, it could be so refreshed to anybody around you.

Your rather just so brisk behavior, I wish you could never lose ever in future of you! Coz I want to learn it from you, so really.

Contemporary society with rationalized capitalism society does never give us any ease and any stability. It’s absolute truth for any citizen in world.

In so severely tough world, only what you do is so pleasant and fun to any onlookers of any community.

Coz you do never kneel the reality you face, you, selfish woman, you only pursue your selfish advantage and profit only for your fulfilling your satisfaction so egoistically.

You get all what you can possess, and own, guys, money, own vanity’s content, if you are beautiful, in crucial situation, only you could survive with a great help by the ones who is enraptured and fascinated by your dangerous beauty.

Selfish woman, you are only now seriously tough society’s symbolized strong survivor.

Please also from now on, do only what you want!

Get all what you want, coz only that way must be so suitable for your identity, only it must be your best way to survive, and so the sole natural to you. Coz what you claim to every authentic powered presence must become justice, with absolute reason that woman’s really bodily power is decisively weaker than any man.

Much less, if you claim your right for protecting your children, almost cases eliminating any extremely illegal matters are admitted by almost authorities and powers.

This so advantageous merit readied only for you would make all of you so powerful than now from now on.
Hence, all of guys should have an instruction to have kept on mind that men should never make light of any woman, as the most dangerous ignition point to cause any unnecessary social scandal.

In other words, in usual case that each prepossession around humanity with a man and a woman makes rather a woman so profitable, worldwide, ordinarily. Hence men should be noticed to its truth, then better yet I would kneel you from now on, you, elder sister of you, so selfish woman in world!

(Oct. 31th. 2019)