Blog for Nameless-Value

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Communicative Aspect we can Confirm ⑫

What I tried to emphasize at ⑩ intends to mean some our not removable mind at interpreting unidentified nature in appropriate distance. That background was intended to what Christianity's own believers' earnest mind for admitting our own powerlessness made religious mind's bonds and also philosophical academic circle's approach so common stance to deal with any difficulty in our realities. The part's my intention was just for impressing any reader that our mind's intrinsic nature for being qualified to believer. ⑩'s Luther's description I introduced was just for declaring our "Remorse" potentially necessarily intending mind by him.(that part's content is around "Ordained").

Necessarily, either Martin Luther at beginning ages of modernized ethics and cititzen moral must have his decisive stance to call any his theory advocate for claiming his believing own idea. That is flat relevant and relational mind for Christian.

The stance by him is shown to next parts of his sentences as text in question.

"We have to be like we were baptized, in other words, infantile. Infantile are never making an effort to do everything and engage them in some kind of karma. They are all perfectly free. However they've been freed only through baptism. We either have to be freed like infantile. Because like what we were made to do, we'd baptized by Jesus Christ."

He additionally claimed his dogma through subsequent mentioning like next.

"What I told until now could be seen by you that now my telling thing is contradictory against what I showed until now. Surely infantile do never interpret nor comprehend God's promise nor have any belief of baptism. Though around baptism, infantile are never demanded to any belief, faith, though you'd think that infantile's baptism is never effective. But now I want to claim is what until now was done to us, it's that infantile are helped by the faith for devoting them." 

And he continues so earnestly and passionately like next.

"Please consider! God's words is intensified, His words consequently changes not only mind of infantile but also sensibly paralyzed ones, powerless ones, misbelievers. In believing in prayer of church with the idea that God has no what He could not execute, and injected belief makes infantile converted. And they are cleansed and renewed."

His described preach is continuing like next.


Bible "New Testament"'s Luke from 5.17❇️ had suggested that the other ones' faith could cure paralysis sufferable ones' own symptom, the church prays instead of the ones, if they devote the ones, even misbelief attending ones, no matter kind of adults, at any Sacrament, they all could be converted, we all are believing in the power at there. New Torah Sacrament is effective not only for the ones who does never disturb it but also the ones who tries to disturb the one for obtaining the mercy or charity, I stiffly believe so. Prayer by the church and one by faith are not having any exception. They believe that the power had made Saint Stephen to make Paul, the apostle acknowledge his own mistake as redemption.

However, as what we must be care about is that there, Sacrament is dealt by not the power of it, but power of belief. Because without any belief, Sacrament does never do anything."

❇️ LUKE 5.17   Now it happened on certain day, as He was teaching that was teaching that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out oe every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

Upper description's intending idea by Luther was probably caused from his own stiff belief around his thought of correct Christianity's dogma in necessarily reviewed around religious interpreting own corrupted claiming as any church's order was managed by carnally intended many his seing incorrect acts.

Because at least at his own actuation around defiantly executed own claiming reason was certaily revised own dogmatized purification abiding will.

That's why his redeeming trial's reason is regarded as the Reformation.

And that his really conceivable idea was just consisting in very precise the New Testament's reinterpretation.

And the mind's true essence was consequently running by these days, and its truth evidences through his really reinterpreted trial proving own very sensitive analysis aroud Jesus's words and Apostles' Creed in reinspecting necessity. That essence is featured and signifies us that our own mind which never cling on to obediently hear carnally spread and rampant ideas as spontaneous reading and comprehending stance's emphasis must mean us what any age went down in history provides us that many philosophers did in their precious texts with George Barkley, Charles Sanders Pierse, John Dewey, George Edward Moore 🔯 except Imnanuel Kant, Friedrich Hegel or so, at least as inhered own metaphysical legacy and ethologically schemed ones with Karl Barth and many others.

And in very screwed up surrounded our these days, that totalled entirely injected viewing eyes are very significant to us too.

This time for the time being, I'll end the controversy now, but from next time on, gradually step by step, I'll do so continuously.  


(Irregularly continued, but not that so far future)

Nov. 28th.  2022

Appendix; Next time must be about analyzing Luther's actuated own theologically logical truth's own metaphysical and systematized mechanism run-down so step by step. 

In other words, precision analysis of Luther's own theological approach must signify own metaphysical and analytically signified logical extent significance.

This series is based on that so gradual trial for my trial, you know.


Quoted through Luther's D e C apivitate B abylonica E

cclesiae Praeludium (1520), in WA, A bt. 6, S, 404-469. Fundamentally, I use 宗教改革三大文書 付)「九五箇条の提題」マルチン・ルターMartin Luther 深井智朗訳.

🔯 This academic stream abiding reinspecting necessity is provided to us with necessary reference, quoting around Analytical philosophy with John Irving Lewis, Robert Stalnaker, David K. Lewis and any necessary controversialists(disputants) in these days.

The reliable presence must include like next.

Friedrich L. Gottlob Frege, Bertland A. W. Russel, Ludwg J. J. Wittgenstein, Rudolf Carnap, Gilbert Rile, Nelson Goodman, W. v. O. Quine, A. J. Ayer, J. L. Austin, Wilfrid S. Sellars, Donald Davidson, G. E. M. Anscombe, P. F. Strawson, Thomas S. Kuhn, Michael Dummet, Hilary W. Putnum, Richard Rorty, John S. Searl, Thomas Nagel, Robert Nozick, John McDowell, Peter A. Singer, Colin McGinn, David J. Chalmers.  

If you try to reinspect truly rationalized systematized mechanism around Christianity, not only Kant, Hegel, Bergson and Hideggar or so but also Analytical philosophy series ones so precisely. Necessarily the work must be so heavily painful nature thing, nevertheless some specified one has to address to the trial.

Though, either I'd grapple with the thing as long as my passion and ability could respond and react these necessity's call to me.