Blog for Nameless-Value

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Captivity Addicted Blues ①

Globally anybody is captured by or only being captive to any stock price, market movement, investing chance, any useful information, anything around so fragile only realtime abiding intelligence chasing reality.

In terms of watching TV news reports, what miserable incident could come up to the global community, after all anybody gets some so cruel character, nevertheless anytime anybody could be sacrificed at any uncertain erupted some atrocious murder, assault by any stranger or any other country.

Where have all the optimistic hopeful mind?

Necessarily nobody tries to sing that lyrics.

Because that is too ordinary to sing so formally.

Anybody could be easily so maniac at doing so selfishly. None the less nobody must have some introspective mind noi necessary so optimistic mind to any future.

We all are very naturally and necessarily absorbing into captive reality habitual inertia familiarly acceptable reality which is attached and immediately that state assimilated reality could be one so normally ordinary daily thing to our mind and to anything we'd never look back to.

Yahoo, but that crying yelling object is none.

Only empty reservations could rebounded to our side.

No fortune cooky nor no optimistic happy go lucky running presumptive, so severe reality even could be the object to regard the sole optimism, because anybody is not so differentiated at the reality with which anybody irg adjacent with in daily life.

Captive to the own personality, captive to own ideally regarded price value and opportunities but otherwise those could be just the fantasy.

Those days, so elegant author Albert Camus described that being not satisfied with catching hope but simultaneously not despaired, that detachment could be seen so natural to anybody's potentiality in mind.

Only captive to something so constantly but not so palpitating to anything, nevertheless we are never so pessimistic nor empty-minded.

Why don't we enjoy at only detached and dry attitude to anything we face!?

To both what we anticipate and we are neglected at being positively interest ed in!?


How can you face all your obliged situated and besieging reality around you?

For the present, so far only throwing so small courageously affectionate word to anybody, only tiny encouraging smile and expression when we accidentally cross on the road, you know!

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 28th.    2022