Blog for Nameless-Value

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Where We are in Tough time, Joking is one of the way for Making our Mind Eased Part1

We all are in veryseriously tough time.

It has no proviledged to anyone.

There, very many citizens are gloomy and mutually skeptical. But just these days, truly joking together could be necessary.

Certainly, tomorrow never knows.
Unemployment, economically bankruptcy would br declared anytime, anybody could be depressive, it’d be so necessary, hence contrary we should be optimistic at least mindset perhaps, the one who tries to commit a suicide must generate anywhere.

In this so critical condition, very important thing is that we should have mood in entertainment.

We need humour so really, we’re tested by Lord.

In other words, just in this crisis, humor is intrinsicly substantially needed, from the beginning, at this age, the sorriest ones are younger generation ones with youth and children, receiving chance to education, and making love chance are in crisis.
At this very sorry situation, how can they have hope, if we all adult are in depressively dismal emotion?

Even if we know it just mere consolation, we should pretend to be happy, just in very hard situation, joke is integral, and the mind to understand together.

Sometimes, either we can be allowed even to cry, shout or weep, nobody would condemn it, coz that is a human’s true appearance.

Ultimately if our society would lose completely, humour its thing can be very mentally serious in not only our society but also human-being presence.

Presence of human society itself could confront true extermination, really realized matter could be brought about by mental and spiritual despair, as the first mindset, why don’t we recover a mind room to say joke or so, just only very smal decision is okay, with its so small step, let’s have each today so usefully!

In society, any smile is wiped away, any habitant would be endangered iits thing can be iat survival, coz material and spirit and mind issue, as the way to be, or to have for us, just mutually smiling is so important, I think so, so ardently now on this situation.

More to say, additionally, even skeptical joke or kind of black humor must be integral at the desperate crisis, I believe.
(July. 4th. 2020)