Blog for Nameless-Value

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Triplism's Suggestion Part16

〇 〇    〇 〇 〇   〇〇〇〇   〇〇〇〇〇   〇〇〇〇            〇   ⇨      〇   ⇨         〇        ⇨          〇         ⇨          〇

⇨ 〇 〇 〇 ⇨ 〇 〇 ⇨  〇  pause ⇨ 〇  〇
    〇         〇     〇      ↖〇 To past we have introspective mind.

Upper diagram was already displayed at Part12, and that essence means that lower tier is definition of mind itself as now our consciousness and intentional idea to somewhat present in front of us and now itself and our mind accompanying field to recognize past reminscence and future prospect. Then, upper row in tier means each now holding mind's idea or ideas. 
In conclusion, if we have upper 〇quantity at being so many, that now holding time duration must be, generally, idea, contemplated contents' satisfied conviction by ourselves are ascertained, that tasy state geneally could be tangibly felt so relaxing. It could be defined to be the mind functioning at flow state.
Then, according to that truth, at that now we usually generally feel so longer with stably satisfied mentality. 

However, at the 〇's quantiy so few, we feel that time's tangibly and mentally so shorter or if we are at empty emotion, we ought to be felt so lazily longer, in other words, at our mind deadlock, time could be felt to us ceased, nevertheless it could be felt so passed speedily either, that so contradictory nature, we must be aware to it.

that alternatively tending disposition could never be denied. 

In other words, clock cutting and switching time to date, and our perceptively mind tangibly felf time could never be at accord so anytime.

Princioply, so basically to us, time's aspect for us must have these three.

①Time cutting and switching date and time of day, that nature must be so materialistic. 

②Time felt at our working time 

③Time felt at expiration of that former working.

At ③, we feel so reminiscent all working time's our getting all things with externally and internally coming up to us, so personally.

At working time, generally we must have an aspect like next,

〇 severance  〇      〇
  \     ↑     ↗
   \    ↑    ↗

At the matter of fact, in summary, the left line means so disconnectedly between pictured thing in mind and mind itself, because we usually generally are absorbed in only working, then rmeiniscence or memory mobilizing mind is so thinner, but toward now our perceiving thing as central it, we are very noticed and our consciousness are focusing it to the targetted matter in care, and to the future, we usually have some durating consciousness around our working next phase or ultimately outputted aspect in presumption.
Then, essentially only our mind to past must be so invalidate as the meaning of our consciousness intending aspect, then on the contray, at the expirating moment of this, we could have suddenly to the past our own act's aspect and meaning. Only at the moment, we usually have no future prospect, of course, soon after doing so, we can swith our consciousness and have normally a consciousness to the future as prosppect, anticipation, and scheme to next doing.

Ultimately at both so satisfied consciousness flaw state and at very empty consciousness state, we, to both it, have only time transcendent beyonf time's current and switched moment's aspect.

In conclusion, time's running is, anytime, our indicator, but at so transcendental mind time, its running order is apt to be neglected by our own mind.
Nevertheless, this is very daily commonsense, but at the matter of fact, time by itself must never be influenced with or absolutely by our mind making own aspect or tangiblity to time, and if that thing could never be composed to us, all presence as being  with us must be fallen into very contradictory whirlpool. Because just with the premise that time by itseld could never have any fructuated mind aspect not as well as us, we all in all presence as being in  world could be going along the time running order and its producing our world as nature phenomenal all matters and things.

In conclustion, only time has no mentally nor introspective mind not as well as us, because if that thing could never be regulated as absolute law, we all are never be able to run along with time scheduling precisely cutting date, moment in callender switching order world as surviving us assimilating the cycle to time as offering its cycle to us consistently.

(to be continued)

Feb. 6th. 2021