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Impulse and Planning with precise Scheduling is almost Identical Part1

Even if we precisely set a plan or schedule for next day's all time, that act could be just impulse, at that setting content around job. Eventually, so impulsive mind could draw our unnecessary missioned consciousness.That must make us contrarily hastening emotion.

In other words, our so impulsive idea as we have some lack around strict plan set by us prior to starting own job, that state must provide unnecessary anxiety.
Eventually, our mind's driving obligatory necessity to set minute scheduling evidences our devoid of self confidence, then if we definitely fixed course in mind, rather so resilient scheduling must be so effectively at doing job. Because in doing our job, we could never allege that no incidental thing could occur.

Meanwhile, if we now try to amplify on that thing, all our subjective research or measuring could be either regarded as our daily previously mind holding instinctive unconscious or subconscious safe valve or safty net for the worst situation or emergency.

Then, very ironically, and paradoxically, if we have a strictly impulsive mind to execute one thing so urgently, rather that our mind must have stronger confidence or conviction to own belief.
Then obsessively what we have obligatory idea of minute scheduling, at least at a personal level at not publicly necessary case, rather very not resiliently only minute scheme depending stance paradoxically proves our shortage of self confidence.
In other words, we could judge that rather only having scheduling content bound act is the evidence of confused mind at having confidence, and practicing so flexible scheme on scheduling must prove our certain belief for reacting any unpredicted thing at doing job.

〇Impulse cansed from Anxiety makes us minute and precise scheduling 

Not So Better

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〇Not so impulsive Stably held Self-Confidence makes us Flexibly Resilient Scheme at Scheduling and Switching Reacting every Incidental matter.


(to be continued)

Feb. 8th. 2021