Blog for Nameless-Value

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View Part7 Interlocking and Personal Impulse Part4 / ¬’s ¬ is Not ∀ nor ∃ Part6 Interlocking and Transcendence3

We unconsciously analyze something, at what we'd already awaked from the beginning but that true identity could never be indentified, that thing could be being, that thing could be so entierly perceptive but simultaneously unidentified so clearly, then we at the process to know true identity to only vaguely perceptive thing so personally. 
Then, as if the children at the process to learn mother language, we usually some vagely known and unidentified object only through sensational impression, but according to be known essence and substance of the thing, we could get the process to analyze it, so minutely and afterward we would get it done, for the first time, we could know that the indetified thing could have been perceiver at very primitive not world's concept moblized condition.
These serially consequent process could be expresse or forumlated like next.

If we define suppositively what we only vaguely are known just "A", we could output next.


It means A's identity could be included by A's ∃, just we yet know its intrinsic present's essence.

Then, necessarily, next formula of logical symbols could be possoble.


Then, if we get to be known to A's essence of identity, for the first time,
we could know that


Consequently we could be known to through ∃ we had known the essence of being from the beginning, but just only we could never have that intepretation.

At these serially process, we have transcendent interpreting mind.

That means that from the beginning we could be known to all presence of A, so intuitively.

A∃≒( A∀⊨A∃)

It could be that we could never have known that A∀ could never been just A∃, but with learning that concept, we necessarily could known that principle, as that is ( A∀⊨A∃), and that time we for the first time, we have had known it only at so tangibly or perceptively but afterword we'd analyzed past our mind, then upper formula was outputted. 

Then, essentially that recognition must be transcendent, but just it could be acquired at our notional and conceptually acquired understanding through ( A∀⊨A∃), and at the moment, we could know A∃ was from the beginning the transcendent item for us in world as our life eco-system. 

(to be continued)

Mar. 16th.   2021