Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Aiming Targeting should Never be Focused so Narrowed nor Limited from the beginning

If we are at first stage so precisely all our necessary aiming target so focused at limited condition, we'd be so hard to switch our own set cource at process with so many factors we have a view that we'd better apply another course at transiting situation for us.

Then no matter what we try to do for building our future, not having so limiting and extremely focusing so much around aiming the ultimate target, then we'd better apply anytime so widened extent targeting at set object at the last phase we have to decide.

In other words, concluding ultimate own light motif should be thought in so mature time to consider, not so prematurely at making public, you undestand.

Aiming target should never be focused so immediately, specifically narrowing range as our stable mindset, because we can afford to making own opportunity to regard all questionable things as deliberative object and on our own process, to get truly deliberated object so permanently, or ultimate aim we personally should keep going on. 

Aiming means eventually measuring our mind's room to make progress our personally substantial mature ide and expanding necessary our potentiality to be utilized with our necessity to react all unexpected developments to us, and taking it into our mind we should not leap beyond our deliberative time so unnecessarily, and should make us so careful and penetrating at catching the best timing to get our completed mindset for mobilizing us to restart or reform at doing anything

at now. 

Because now ceaselessly lasts making us forget each our momentary emerging idea, but that not standing still and fixedly indwelling condition's impossibility by itself cotrarily provides us our truly significantly lasting light motif to make ripen the unidentified course so far but if we could get it, that must mean so much for our own future, you know!

Mar. 18th.   2021