Blog for Nameless-Value

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Another Promised Land

At anciemt era, old ones told their descendents that the ones who loved so much, bu their destiny never to have union in life together must meet again at over the galaxy of another Promised land as realm of the dead.

Many shooting stars and meteors are just their unfulfilled minds generating weeping, the old one told to all younger generation ones.

In universe, with our planet, so many miss-carriages had been done. And unfulfilled regrets must have been floating all around universe.

Another promised land only they arrive at another day. after passing from carnal world.

They but at lifetime had no sin, they just had their life so piously.

Then, why don’t we give our wishing words to them who could get fulfilling

They if you have a mind at least their promised land! And just there, their alive time’s hope must complete!

Then, if you have a mind to complete your original hope, let yourself thank them who conceded you at getting all happiness, sacrificing them.

And occasionally, have a mind for completion at their own land of promise for their fulfillment at realm of the dead!

Calm your dissatisfaction and be happy at the land!

May.1st., 2nd. 2021