Blog for Nameless-Value

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Disgusting Song Part1

There must have been so disgusting songs to anyone, at the matter of fact, me either.
Necessarily to one disgusting song to me, anther one has so favorite mind, that thing is not to mention of it.

Nevertheless, I can see and think that rather to anyone, very unpleasant songs to us so personally tell us that so personally that rather disgusting unpleasant thing's appreciation must evidence that our only ignorance to world itself must be certainly present at our mind, too.
Because we all opt our personally amusement and rejoice so arbirarily, but simultaneously we are apt to dare to listening so hating songs too so occasionally, as necessarily as movie appreciation, on the other hand, we certainly naturally select only so personally favorite songs so usually.

In other words, so listening to only favorite songs usually is so selfish to us, but also daring to listen to only so hating songs to us is either so selfish optiing in our life, you know!
To some extent, daringly listening to only disgusting songs could be so philosohocal mind option to us, you know!

At this regard, listening to songs sung by many singers even with them whose songs are what we have no idea so personally.

Necessarily, listening to mainly very usually favorite songs could be better generally to us, so personally.
Nevertheless, never so favorite songs' presence at listening to them and known to these presence, even with very disgusting songs either is what makes us known that our personlly understanding to people's mind and socially realized extent are so subjectively narrowed and arbitrarily so restricted in ourselves as in our own mind, in other words, that so specific our ownb selfishness could be seen to us so plainly.

In other words, according to the quantity of listening to not so favorite songs, this word's aspect we'd never known to us so personally could be comprehended to us as that is so complicated and so diverse, and profoundly deepened to us. 

Not only these facrs but also rather very disgusting songs could tell us that we essentially have very fluctuated mind reacting any unknown songs and very unidentified categorized songs made to be not so disliking to us, you know!

At this meaning, as well as appreciating to unknown sports competition, listening to very many kinds of songs as mode, style and genre, all these must be our so personal very instructive study to society itself. Hence we otherwise shold dare to listening to very many disgusting songs too not only favorite ones to us, you know!

At the matter of fact, French philosopher Paul Ricoer was claiming otherwise questing how we can regard the world for us, which we should take Hegel's idea just our self-hood opens all others to us or Levinus's idea that just all the others to us make us known that we are ourselves through "myself" at each one.

Nevertheless, actually, these discernment between others and myself could be converged with the same thing, so essentially at our introspective regard so afterward when we feel them with mutual gap. In other words, these two conceptual items could be at face and back as necessarily as coins have.

Though to us, the presence of very disgusting song to us to listen to could sustain at the matter of fact either very favorite songs to us so personally, so essentially.

Why I think so is caused from that I think listening to favorite songs means we unconsciously have some so streo-typed priviladge at having these so personally favorite songs, and its thing must be sustained with our own selfishly accompanying superior complex to all ones who could not know our personally favorite songs, in spite of that fact, really essentially these songs could bepresent for all ones in world.

In other words, we through listening to our personally favorite songs could otherwise criticize and slander the ones who have no idea around the songs' appreciating and its wonderfulness.
At the matter of fact, all artistic appreciation carnally has that charateristics we usually are unconscious, that pedantic noble interest tasty mind, at the matter of fact to me, e.g. Billie Eilish's songs' tunes and their holding own profoundness and deepened wonderfulness.
What I love her songs otherwise could have that consciousness.
Amyway I love her songs and her singing tone and her opening world to us.
(to be continued)

Aug. 15th.  17th.,    2021