Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

What does Writing Mean?

To any writing one, writing means feeling interesting nature around writing itself, and necessitty. Its heading direction is based on writing one's life and the one's sensing wonder, and enigmatic curiosity.

Though, necessarily, written object and writing act itself constantly make parallel running, that must be equal to that our body makes mind's idea and function, but mind moves body and we really move and act.

Consequently, written act must include signification around it confirming our surviving world's mechanism through our own aware reality, and how we really react it and how we should do it so well, and our consciousness around these cases could be questioned at our own proposition.

In these mind's speculation process and procedure, to us, writing act's meaning is positioned in our life.

At spending one day, what we personally have mind around memorized things, what we experienced, saw, and thought around doing all so.

Probably, we can know we live at writing and through it, we'd have some other idea around our own life, as the different from what we had ever.

Thus, to write something means next things. Let me summarize for the present.

○"What I saw today and think of it, and to what I'd done, how I could interpret and how I can take advantage of it for tomorrow." that idea must come up to us, so naturally through writing.

○Through writing, we can know meaning of writing, to some extent, it means arranging our ideas shuffled in brain. And we can see objectively what we can know and can't know at the moment so immediately, and though what we wrote, we could make out what we address us on, otherwise what we personally complement incomplete parts and nature we'd preserved.

At completing moment, we can talk to us by ourselves, "I could understand the meaning around I wrote and I had the thing which made me write.

○Additionally, my interest and concern to world and my interest, concern to writing itself must never be divided so easily.

○Around relatively things lately had in mind would be what writing must make sure so clear at my viewing to these things.

○For writing it up, at least what I think that I can have an idea around for what we live and survive our ownlife.

○Eventually, for sports competitions and race which athletes enage them in doing what they neef to win their occasion, and training for it, these all consist in knowing the meaning of life for them through these things.

Sep 9th.     2021