Blog for Nameless-Value

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Idea made by Our Mind and Our World / ECO-HAND-OUT

Our mind's idea around world, about anything, our interest, cocern, curiosity around world could make world's aspect we can rely on and check our mind's appearance.
But simultaneously, that mind's reaction is so subjective and either so autonomously driven.

Then, ultimately, our mind could love to be promoted and spontaneously follow all world's matter.

Our essential reaction to all things in world is made by world itself and our own subjective curious, careful and attentive mind.

Thus, fundamentarily, to us, being active and passive in obviously discerned nature could never be found nor analyzed, rather those things could interact mutually, though another good definition is needed so appropriately.

For the present, it should be called "Attracting and attracted", but it could be neither ambiguous, hence, transmission, otherwise, "Eco-Hand-out" could be suitable.

To some extent, all world to us in either mind of ourselves could be so larger, but individually constantly isolated and selfishly strongly subjective view's looking over.
And that means either "myself" to us is neither myself, and either that ambivalence means also world by itself.

Yes, that is "ECO-HAND-OUT".

Nevertheless, we certainly have mind to divide otherwise discern each of them, nevertheless again, that could be done at our mind's comprehension of each word, thus, it could be concept of meaning in just embodied at reality, and though it must be ECO-HAND-OUT.

Therefore, ECO-HAND-OUT must mean "embodiment in world and words", necessarily it synchronizes substantial presence with notionally conscious focusing mind and its view made by these mutual approach.

Let us have summary around those.

○World makes our mind. Mind makes world. Necessarily, in mutual relevance, cocept of world, mind and substance and notion are given presence.

○However, we clearly have discernment between our body accompanying mind and world's so plainly irreplaceable being in extent.

And that means probably so prepared decision.

○That decision is the premise of our presence, personally and publicly.

And it is also our mind's abandonment around complete understanding to all items and being's totalized aspect. In other words, all components in world must be what we discover at previously set aspect in what nature and all things could react our request to world's harmony.

○We try to use any knowledge we ever acquired and have stocked for acting anything. At this phase, obviously our mind's things and externally extending aspect are each making plain independence.

Between our mind and world, otherwise we daringly make "world" another thing to us all, necessarily it makes clear consciousness around world and synchronically we have a mind to our mind regarded as independent toward world.

To some extent, we all daringly set us "lone wolf".

Sep. 10.   2021

Memorandum; This time, I got a certain idea at several points. Though, now, I have also an idea of making it a series. After, having some periods, I want make this theme ECO-HAND-OUT and either us as "lone wolf".