Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

What We should Tell Our Own Mind Part1

Perhaps one of the most important things in life is to give up cleanly and plainly. What to throw away is a translation that approaches us with a completely different aspect each time, but it is surprisingly important to give up quickly and never look back again. It is close to the one who wears laziness that does not become too serious, rather than desperately shaken up.

Because, probably, being conscious about something to do desperately means being meticulously careful to any not so important thing, though, we rather should be lazy and unexpectedly so blunt and apathetic or so neglectful to any annoying object we usually often distracts us, so personally.

Being mentally nervous and spiritually bound to some unnecessary thing affects our daily reasonable mind for deciding everything. For never being toyed with anything, we should make our consciousness only noticed to now sole integral matter, and any other thing is all what we should absolutely neglect.

Anynody has several setbacks or failure experience at long life, but to us, the most important thing must be learning what made us so and never invite the same thing to our personal life again.
Rather, if we did only it, unexpectedly any other thing is not so tough at least at grappling with or address to at our daily life.

Let me summarize these all items, so simply!

🌟Except our truly integral thing, we should plainly ignore and make light of at dealing with.

🌟To the first item, more only noticing our consciousness only to the most integrally ineresting thing.

🌟If we catch something new, we should take memorandum so simply and do usually grappling thing again, and sometimes check all taken memorandum things and pick only seen integral, and put away any other small and trvial thing that time.

For the present, only upper items could be done, than ever you did, you'd get everything so well, you know!

(to be continued)

Oct. 6th.     2021