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Simple Truth's True Enigma Part 8

Physically bodily movement in locomotion makes extent of moving distance and acting range of one person’s physical degree and locomotive freedom’s embodiment. Nevertheless, we can have contrary another freedom too. If locomotive freedom in affirmation makes proportional reality.
And that could prove another freedom at no moving of staying at one location as making no locomotion in contrary reality.

Though if no moving of staying at one location could be regarded as freedom’s emboldiment, necessarily locomotion taking cost could have inversely proportional toward staying at one location. This means movement’s inverse proportion, but really to our mind, that thing could have compatiblity.
In other words, if we take freetime’s freedom as subject, we’d locomtion’s cost could be waste, if we want staying. Though that criterion must rely on personal option.

Meanwhile, locomotion cost and movement degree must get stably necessarily working cost and objective signification. Though, necessarily this means outputted physical standard’s numerical value, in other words, ordinarily physical world standard could be taken only at this realized locomotion’s degree.
Then, spiritually and mentally regarded compatibility at not moving staying at fixed location must never have physical criterion’s example in negation. In other words, massively term’s freedom’s notion means that staying at one location ordinarily means only reduction of freedom at moving.

And capitalism and economically regarded cost performance and financial convenience embodiment needs only locomotive reality.
In other words, locomotion’s freedom demands freedom at staying at one location in having inversely propotional relevance.
And necessarily, spatially free locomotion must have proportion toward time progress.

Then, after all, our social costing regard only takes moving cost and realized distance in freedom’s embodiment, and inversely proporitional index could not be taken into account.
That decisive nature was readied for our notion at least for socially necessary index.

And just that index’s orthodox usage could make another our entertainment and amusement.
Except travel through not making any locomotion.
Though, if we understand only our social necessary action, only locomotion’s freedom could be taken into account, however, if we have that positiveness regarded as waste or unnecessary cost, we’d judge that only staying at one place could deserve to be indexed or indicated.

And that conversion of spiritual assessment means incompatibility of materialized locomotion’s freedom assessed index and not moving in staying at one location’s freedom could be turned to compatible relevance.
And just nowadays’ contemporary social necessity must head for that switching.
Nevertheless, if that was so correct point of view, how could we take long time as many eras at being aware of it?
Because our homo-sapiens’s evolution must have until recent past, only locomotive freedom’s pursue and absorbed in only it.

Otherwise, we’d never found any more advanced ever seen negative, but actually very useful thorough minus numerical locomotive siginification could be kept at unidentified field or never found principle.
This propositional essay series in analysis started with my simple question that moving freedom must have enlarged extent over our sizable reality.
But if we potentially have another typed of freedom at not taking any distance, at least, mental and spiritual term could be indicated, but that regard has only it, and any other worth could not exist, couldn’t it?

Nevertheless, we could not regard so easily, rather more micro levelled small turn possible postive worth could be present.
In other words, not small presence could not have small turn so well or so, that simple question must be submitted here.

Though, from next chance to consider this proposition, micro levelled small turn not in term brain thinking, but more materially signified proposition should be proposed at this series.
At next time, I want to consider only that proposition, so carefully.

(to be continued)

Nov. 5th. 2021