Blog for Nameless-Value

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Mirage Out of the Blue Floating in front of My Eyes Part38

After we got Usama's interment completed, by the way that moment could be crossed with muslim's worshiping time, necessarily I participated in their doing together, but my mind had it managed into the idea that after all Usama's death was perfectly my responsibikity and fault by me, because his death was caused from my opting that ought to be my mistake triggered my deeply sorry regret that I got a jeep that didn't pass the inspection.
Because his death was indirectly derived from his protecting Sophia from rifle raid by border watch soldiers. But directly it was caused from our using this jeep at more than 200km on running distance in which so critical defect that using in mire with impluse with stones or so caused windshield, nevertheless  I just only with curtailed time's inspection permitted Usama to procure the discounted that jeep, eventually that my judgement caused his merciless death in my mission. My mind was besieged with only remorseful emotion for long time after I checked our using jeep after Usama's death.

His death was affected by our his curing incompletion and my careless decision for executing boder tansgression, thus necessarily I decided to make my all reward at this time mission condole and compensation to his home country's family.

By the way, this now using jeep was made at that so gigantic global enterprise administerd by CEO ever I was invited by his wife's birthday party opened at Switzland's historically famous villa beside the famous lake. He was relatively recent days' customer of my true job, nevertheless now myself in condition was peerfectly derailed at my ordinary professional knowledge, rather now my addressing mission is similar to ever my doing mine business procurement job. Eventually even if human could swtich own job, former experience could work on another job as helping and propping up inexperienced new job. Eventually my the worst decision to opt that cheaper costing jeep was mended, to some extent repaired by myself with several tools for doing it previously euipped at that car, and occasionally I pictured ordinary spying or espionage entertainment movies' depiction around espionage undercover agents must never be correctly expressed, because that doing so tough scenes are so rarely otherwise completely abbreviatedv in each movie's seuence.
Espionage undercover misson is just hard physical labor's unimaginable running.

I after repairing frontshield made Saddam drive it and when we took parking rest time at dinner at private restaurant relatively seemed safer being heard of all members with Saddam. ‘Āqil and Sophia, and necessarily losing Usama of our condition must, whether we were hoping or not, be obliged to leave Sophia any interpreting mission, because she originally had two differentiated ethnicty and additionally she had a habitually practical skill at learning perfectly several native lnguages only minority ethnic units use.
And I left the dinner table in the middle of our all eating, and telephoned Y for telling that time's our emergency and for getting some strong advocate for pulling through that time's illegally entering P〇k〇st〇n in mission, that direct talk with her was long time no do it since I contacted her prior to this time mission. 

She told me through handy-phone, "Anyway, as I transmitted, probably he, Charlie has been using his smuggling route with A(her sent content told that from Mexico→Atlantic Ocean→Mediteranian Sea→Suez Canal→the gulf of Aden→Alabian sea→K〇r〇ch〇, and overland to P〇sh〇w〇, otherwise, with B(her it that from Ch〇n〇→Kashmir, with Sh〇lp〇's cooperation to P〇〇sh〇w〇), but actually both routes inspection and investigation must rely on artificial saterites sensing, now the party which was ordered by U〇A's C〇A and INT〇RP〇L in ubiquitas intelligence operatives." At this explanation's context, she mentioned this time fully large scale investigation must be dependent on what I have received direct instructions from a CIA agent that this is the first attempt to integrate biometrics with satellite imagery." This was done at 11th..

Eventually the first day of which probablity to get C.C.'s coming with the place in question
based on precedent data, it is most likely that he will come to the underground fortress of Sw〇t Valley on the 11th, so I was there at that time. Nevertheless, we four parties had used a detector to hit the appropriate place, but the authentication system did not detect any signs that the person who corresponds to him was visiting.
That day's false as he didn't come to the fortless meant that next visting schedule's expectation by itself was obliged to be converted, though with reset condition, Y was making an effort of analyzing at her place(the whereabout was necessarily unknown to even me).
However, as anybody is already known to that R〇ss〇〇's test launch of a satellite-destroying missile (ASAT) on its own satellites caused massive debris and sparked an emergency evacuation of astronauts from the International Sp〇c〇 St〇t〇〇n (ISS) at 14.15th.. That debris' hindrance could affected that uthentication system used specification to C.C.'s coming, then necessarily, we were unable to scheme so precise methodizing.

These chain facts obviously evidenced that R〇ss〇〇's general citizens' huckers units' underground activity war reliant on their resistance both to Russian governement and U〇A government probably with each differentiated ideas' attending popular professionals' conspiracy, meantime, U〇A's huckers units at least to their home country's central function was never targetted object, in the term of it, their patriotism nature and R〇ss〇〇's it are mutually very distanced and essential nature difference could be seen to us, but that intricate situation both countries had impacted us to stay at Sw〇t valley over the scheduled period for a long time.
We four parties were staying at some small hotel Y procured for us with local guide whose ethnic identity was Punjabis speaking Urdu〇.

Our party's staying and acting term could be prolonged over the previously scheduled time card.
(to be continued)

Nov. 18th.,19th.    2021