Blog for Nameless-Value

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Following Suit and Spontaneous Working On Part2

Jumping ground must be strict, thereby, if you try to do so at safe landing, your jumping basic capability should be strengthened so much, because loose training attending jump must endanger your body's stillness.

If you try to train, you must learn that true jumping beyond normally done it, as suitably as you should get some strictly credible capablity.

And true trial at jumiping over so harsh mire could be rely only on your mind's definite and plain distance toward generally accustommed and habitually taught it, because true jumping act in challenging distance with height and breadth must need your perfectly independence from what you'd learnt and taught.

That must be kind of your so bold and daring first resistance toward what you should have gratitude and appreciation.

Eventully shoot it out only by yourself, around everything you'd meet by chance in harsh and hindered running, nobody could help you anymore, and knowing only it must be well-wishing words, but from the beginning the kind of it could have been done so earlier in your life, otherwise, that it could not have been around you even once in life, you know.

And you know it so well, now, because only never looking back to your all glorius past days, yes, only no glory nor no maginificience, that wareness must be attended with you, and rather that could be encouragement to you, now, hey cooler one dangerous guy of you!

Your internally stocked, or inherently given immanent words for you, perhaps, "Don't be afraid of any sprinting and deviant track or orbit!

Kind of farewell to all benefactors in so harsh first voyage is gotten reasy for now yourself, nevertheless, your mind probably is so easy and calmed, now is your the first reckless flight with your enough full-fredged wings, you know!

You must make your wishing mind indwell at your idea toward unidentified developing future of you, you see!

Neglect all what now you are heard of around you!

Put away your all body by yourself!

Do not hold on to what you'd made yourself familiar with!
Because for now youself, only what you'd never get familliar with ever in your life must be what deserves to do daringly to you, now!

It makes sure that now your starting jumping ground is stiffly stable, but in running of your jumping flight to another destination, that reliable ground's reason to be could be invalidated in unidentified date or so, you feel.

Goodbye, pinkish virgin road, and yellowish cherry-boy road on you!

Now is never welcoming time to ease acuqiring heaven.
Only pushing anything detering now your departure aside from now yourself!

"Hey, babies around me, if you'd like to follow me, it'd be no problem at least to me now, however, no guarantee to secure you even by me from this moment on, neverthelss I'd be okay for you to follow me, unless you'd get my sprinting stemmed from been done so well!"

Only to now for yourself, that words could be readied for any other one beside you, but even that utterance could diffuse in the air, in spite of it, that's  the way you are now.

Because for now you, only the kind of farewell gift from me must match now you.

Nov. 19th. 2021