Blog for Nameless-Value

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Soul’s Awaked Mind Part1

One idea, one flashy thought or so could generate only at that moment.
Even if any idea and thought could have been stored and accumulated at our mind, but any mind's scheming could never control what kind of them could be shown externally.
Because mind thing must never be generating it or them at a precisely set for showing that it and those things, eventually any now's subject could have own now's sparking somewhat, though any expressed or generated ideas or thought in utterance or acting really at our own site must be operated by each now's commandeering intention.

Though, definitely, our each now's subjective commandeering must be the most troublesome defiant rebel, however, if our own stably reasonable and modest idea attending mind could operate and set previously to any future time's action the subjective body could carry out to really realized reality, and any conversion reacting at emergency, our own life must have been malfunctioned at earlier stage on our own life span. in other words, our now's subjective whim's presence just works on each emergent reaction to any externally developping thing.

Hence, we must be capable at being alive owes to each now's very subtly vigilant watch and instantly done judging and decision making sentencing to our constantly eqqupped mind.

Entirely, our constantly stably prepared mind as preservation to our reason and intellectual ideas and mind stockage must be urged by each monentary reacting sensing immediate and prompt corresponding brain which could be moblized and dispatched at each situational demanding from extra whole atmosphere and environmentally overwrapping specificable besiegement of nature and our world's conspiracy.

Because we as personal identified ones are destined at being besieged by any surrounding air, situated trend and these joining working.

Eventually, we are entirely identified totalized presence at the same time, either each now's driven own responding and supplying thinking machine toward any provokative air and trendy meddlesome atmosphere.

Mind's intentional immovable stance and each momentarily reactive now's subject are at the same dimension in the term of moblized mechanism, but synchronically each of them arbitrarily makes up mind to any external contancting to us.

Though our personality is basically reliable on both selfishly movable intention and synthesizable consistency demanding instinctive mind's collabration in instantly made turn on harmonizing and disharmonizing.

But that making subject is both to some extent at our presence with body and mind, to another extent at externally developing approachable anything in world.

Thereby, if we try to solve our these interacting reciprocal try and error, we must be engaged in setting absolutely even and justly fair court by us all.
However, that court by itself must be regarded as another redressed and redressable object.

And the last appearing that court is neither our objectively regarded mind nor subjectively arbitrary mind.
And constantly, to it, we'd continued to argue about its identity which is so substantial or so dubiously mystifying some fantasy or so.

Nevertheless, it could neither be notion, nor prejudice.
Then, so stark, what is it, or what is its true identity?
(to be continued)

Nov. 20th.     2021