Blog for Nameless-Value

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Minds Part1

Cloud's mind could be fragilly switchable at keeping clear shape so durably.

Sand's mind could be easily flowed at not own subjective persistence.

Vaster field’s mind could be possible at giving up any transtive freedom.

Our face's mind could be easily known at keeping own mind, thus we necessarily have mutual trust, not to be concerned obligedly nor subjectively.

Mire's mind could be easily evading cracked state by any hotter temparature sunbeam at least except surface.

Mindv of darkened black night, or blackened dark night could be easily hidden true nuance at being visibly for any daytime active creature otherwise brightened things in nighttime.

Nevetheless, amything could never be able to cheat the same kind ones.

After all, any advantage means either disadvantage to the same dimensional things' competition.
Eventually, at the same time at the same dimensional condition, rahter not being desperate at being only non-chalant must be effective to some extent.
But that must never not obtain so bigger advantageous fruit, neither.

Mind by itself could be easily interpreted by daringly conscious care or very vigilant noticeable attention to be done, after all not being noticed to anything could be to some estent advantageous, nevertheless at least to us, unexpectedly, being kept so easy at having no unnecessary consciousness must never be easily gotten.

And just being so, we'd get great discovery so occasionally, nevertheless being not so simply plainly as well as nature phenomenal things could make us all so considerable that'd be obliged necessity.

That means us so awoken to our awkward and inconvenient nature.

Yes, deliberating necessity must be euipped only at imcompleted presence in nature word as term of instinctive reaction, like us, you know, with somewhat physical extent or meta-physical it in inconvenient capability.

Our own words things could neither so providentially completed nor perfectly incompleted.
Nevertheless, that must never be neither neutral.

Any presence could never be excused at being free from own nature, and in terms of that dimension, being things are all so imperfection but being at equipped expedient perfection at any kind.
In other words, if we could discover genuinely perfect thing, otherwise that could be only notthing as never having any rerative presence, or already excluded abesent things to us as disappeard ones, but that now substantial circumstance must be unknown to us, though it'd be only presumption.

nevertheless, nothing could be immortal, though unexpectedly anything as the incompleted nor imperfection means kind of moratorium at transiting into completion, some kind of perfection at immortality, because to only nothing, nothing could impact, affect nor reform.

Those serially that strange cycle could be time's absolute nature, otherwise, at least that driving absolute nature.
Nevertheless, it'd be somewhat as mind or so for time by itself, even time could not be immortal nor so completed perfection, because either time could never be present at not accompanying any mortal thing which could be made present and any another future made nothing.

Time and all of us with any present thing could be relevant with somewhat term around mind or so.
(to be continued)

Dec. 1st.      2021