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Logical Extent View in World Interpretation Part1

Candid mathematical truths and logical revolutionary steps are essential for the ultimate and most efficient solution of the modern world from a political, global economic and environmental perspective. In a sense, it is nothing but a reexamination of all logic and all mathematical order, skeptical criticism, and the submission of a fully improved version. In other words, the logical revolution is a criticism of logic.

In order to fully criticize logic, it is essential to logicalize the facts that we can never escape from unlogical truths. But it hasn't done any logic until now. It is the submission of equations that reduce the non-conventional and more essential mathematical truths of candid phenomenological methodologies. In that sense, Husserl's re-verification is also urgent.

In reality, what should be emphasized now is re-formulation based on the extraction of the phenomenological character of Marcel, Eliade, Artuser, Foucault, Hintica, Stalnaker, Irving Lewis, that is, the reason for the seemingly northern existence of logic, other than Husserl and Heidegger. Other than that. Logical restructuring will also solve physiology and environmental theory.

What is required of modern people now is to avoid relying on smartphones as much as possible except in an emergency when going out, do not turn on the TV as much as possible while working at home, work hard on search input centered on the PC, and focus on the radio other than TV watching. There is no choice but to prevent mental aging. Today's television is already in the final stages of mob rule in every country. In addition, there is no choice but to increase the time for conscious reading.

The idea of the Middle or middle of Confucianism is rather dangerous if it is easily received. Rather, it is necessary to have an attitude that they can be regarded as one entity and a complete perfection that can be transformed into a seemingly opposite binary logic. Rather, that is what creates all-valued logic. Perhaps the Confucian analects, moderates, and universities also wanted to say that. It is never a compromise.

It should be considered that the one who seems to have been a roundabout is the fastest, and the one who seems to have been the least confused is the greatest focus and logically satisfied. Logical satisfaction is nothing but an ontological no gap. The one entity that produces the affirmation of binary logic and the denial of it itself is neither an intermediate nor a gray zone.

If we focus too much on efficiency and always rely too much on the shortest speeds and procedures, what is actually most lost is the vaster territory that produces logic. In other words, binary logic and the basis for criticizing it are created from it. The vast territory must be something else that is neither natural nor artificial dualism nor substance and void dualism.

The binary logic work that has been done endlessly in logic until now is a kind of mentality that we receive through affirmation and denial, as if the vaster territory itself that eventually produces it is set up. The best way to understand that you have been coming only to know that something is inductive. In short, true logic and mathematics are yet to come.

Those who produce falsehood are nothing but those who produce true. It is a kind of temptation by the existence that encourages us to continue to be binary logic like that, and it is also a kind of problem-raising. In other words, it is something that is perceptually received as if it were shaded by the sun. But that may be the illusion that our habits create. The logic is there.

It is also necessary to recognize that humility and modesty are nothing but the worst arrogance. In other words, it can be said that it is the most dangerous stupidity if it leads to the view that you can do anything after that as long as you follow it. Even those who appear to be arrogant should not abandon it if it has the truth in itself. Bureaucratic evil pretends to be a kind of modesty and humility.

For example, work is not, and should not be, as long as it makes money. Because neither the person who does the work nor the person who benefits from it will be happy, it is better not to do such a work even if it makes money. In other words, the common interest of people is that everyone can feel happiness.

(to be continued)

Dec. 1st., 2nd.     2021