Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

You Part1

You are completely another me, myself, neverthless at some dimension, you are perfectly identical with me.

I'd and I've craived for being like you and doing like you, the extent is adopted by your presence.
Then, eventually I had been awoken to another myself through my ever facing truth on meeting you. Though you are the only benefactor.

Meanwhile, you are at another dimensional meaning identical to me, but you are either identical with another me as the first you, you are the only myself and yourself in identical dimensional world. Though without identical you, now myself, now me, I or so must never had been composed.

World thing could be made at very twisted truths and realities, you know, because it must have some so definite nature in which everything could be entangled with each other and anything must be complicated together, and that unexplainable aspect is plainly so normal.

Though normal thing or to say its modus ponens must be the most enigmatic difficulty at being analyzed with precise data, because preciseness must attract another contradiction, nevertheless being only rough must output only confusion.

First you were giving up and forsook and meet me, you were and either I are perfect nomad, and eventually your the last settling place could be somewhere nobody knows now, either me.

However, I am another myself still now, I could say, because I have both memories in which I had no meeting to you and I had meeting that.
Then, second you, you are opened to the unidentified air, and your voyage route and track all relies on yourself, and either you have no time to procrastinate, because time must never discriminate anybody according to each circumstance personally.

I have either three types of essence, 'coz I am just myself, and to you, yourself, and to the plural units, himself or herself, and oneself.
Necessarily, you have these categorized natures synchronically to me.

Word thing could go ahead and keep going on not according to our optimistical presumption nor so ideally regarded process, but simutaneously it could not betray any our normally assummed aspect, but at the same time, it could advance not according to our own fantasy we are prone to make in mind, so personally.

You are still on the very plainly regarded ordinary runway, and anytime you are standing by, waiting for the God's voice, "Roger!".

Anyway, don't be so serious, never mind, everything must keep going on as each could be, otherwise ought to be, and the thing must be our known all things' some never convertible facts.

Unconvertibly, all including us have to be going on to everything's relevant one universal nature as identical at being mortally present and handover to next generation.

Switching generation, cut to the worn ideas, out of date conventional habit, all are relevant with unconvertible universal nature.

You were lone wolf, either me.

Nevertheless, next you have been at another meaning absolute lone wolf, but simultaneously you are still now and probably from thins time on very definite holder of absolute future key to open and develop any possibility.
Yes, only now two of you, and another age, only next you could run by yourself, that iteration must never be cut by at least anybody, just to anything, how our descendents could deal with is only left propostion.

Hey, two of you, your running road must be injected with glorious sunshine!

(to be continued)

Dec. 8th.     2021